It just stopped growing

I think u are going to have a hell of a time getting it out of that glass container when you want to transplant. And being that it is an autoflower, you should have started it in whatever pot you intend to finish it in, autos do not like transplanting. As far as lights go you should be ok for a single autoflower....
Thank you JoeBlow... That did cross my mind. If she ever starts growing again, I'll go ahead and transplant her. But it's been over 2 weeks and she hasn't grown a mm.
Update. Well it’s been nearly a month and Dutch Passion suggested that the root threads may have got damaged or not have developed. So after nearly 30 days (I think) of this seedling that wouldn’t grow over 1.5 cm, I gave up. However I figured why not dig her up and just look at the roots. There were none! Amazing! So, what the hell. In for a penny, in for a pound - I cut off the little 1.5mm root “thing”, dipped the stem of that pitiful infant in rooting hormone and stuck her in another (more generous) rooting pod, and waited for her to die. She tuned all yellow, nearly. In the very center of her first real leaves was I small, glowing speck of chlorophyll. She was like that for probably over 10 days. And then BAM!! She shows some new growth! WTF?! If she ever actually grows up, and if I ever actually get Any real bud from this little miracle, it has to be really bad@ss!
Take a look. Should I be impressed?


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A survivor! Not sure anyone asked how warm the room is where you are growing? If it's too cool, cannabis doesn't grow well. GL with the survivor.
That will be awesome if she pops roots and started taking off :)

P.S. when i root clones (basically what ya did here) I actually slice the stem vertically about 1" long near the bottom about 4 times around it, i have had WAY better root growth out of those slices than out of the bottom..
That will be awesome if she pops roots and started taking off :)

P.S. when i root clones (basically what ya did here) I actually slice the stem vertically about 1" long near the bottom about 4 times around it, i have had WAY better root growth out of those slices than out of the bottom..
Cool tip! Thanks. I guess that gives the cloning hormone a lot more surface area of the root growth cells. I’ll remember that if I ever need to clone again. The entire stem of this runt was maybe 1.5 cm. I did slice a long diagonal cut. Maybe that helped. I’m just so stoked that she has actually taken to growing roots considering her so young and compromised state. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
But it's been over 2 weeks and she hasn't grown a mm.
Hi there Poolcat. Bit concerned that you're a cat so please don't chase me. ;-) One of my Dutch Passion autos did this to me once. After two weeks she was barely pushing out a tiny second set of leaves. No idea what caused it but I suspected low root temps or just a duff seed. In the end I just ate it and planted another.
Hope you have more success with the next.
Is this not an auto flower ? If it is In my opinion I’d stick with 18/6 or 24/0 from start to finish.
Yep. Dutch Passion Auto Duck. I’ve shared everything with Dutch Passion folks but they’ve done nothing but offer a little advice and sympathy. I kind of expected that they would do right and offer to set me up with some replacement seeds since these have been nearly total duds.
Of the 3 seeds in the package, the first was this 1.5 cm dwarf that after a month, I cut and Re-rooted. The second seed opened a small tap root but died promptly in soil. The third is now 3 weeks old and also stalled at 2.5 cm. Very frustrating. Aren’t Autos marketed as easy to germinate, grow and flower?
Is the 18/6 light timing right for a seedling of this size?
18/6 is perfectly fine. No seedling in nature Starts out at 24 hours of light. The plant will take off once it gets a good root system, it’s slow for a couple weeks the hits it’s stride, no worries. Miracle grow isn’t the devil, “the company is”, but you can use diluted MG, it will grow a plant. there is MUCH better out there but MG won’t hurt it. Just getting it in a good soil like ocean forest will feed it for over a month, with nothing but water. You don’t need to feed a seedling anyhow. And the amazon light isn’t actually 300 watts, the Chinese blurple lights all post wattage as actual when it’s “just like 300watts of a real light”. Grab a spider farmer sf1000. They’re on amazon. Good Quantum board, Won’t kill your electric bill, and a good start for 1 plant. Good luck.
None of your seeds were duds. They all germinated. The plants aren’t defective, give them what they need and they will grow. It takes time. The one that died could have been a number of issues, damage done to the root during planting, or it just damped off. Most likely with a seedling. Never had an issue w Dutch passion, and being a business it wouldn’t make sense financially to replace seeds for everyone that has a plant die. It’s a learning curve that’s all. Have some patience. It may have been something as simple as overwatering. The substrate needs to dry out some, the roots need oxygen and they’ll hunt out moisture. A plant w no root structure can’t take up the moisture in the substrate as well, you’re basically just waiting for it to air dry. Im amazed that you got a seedling to clone and take roots. That’s an impressive feat in and of itself. Again good luck with your grow
I’ve grown Dutch passion Colorado cookies autoflower, came out nice, one smelt like lemon and sherbert, reminded me of a refresher bar. I’ve also done White Widow and White Cheese autos from dinafem, I ran a lot of those. Big Buddha cheese auto they were the worst so I decided to go back to photoperiod flowering. Autos were too inconsistent for me and the inconvenience of keep having to order seeds. Good luck on your next one bud.
18/6 is perfectly fine. No seedling in nature Starts out at 24 hours of light. The plant will take off once it gets a good root system, it’s slow for a couple weeks the hits it’s stride, no worries. Miracle grow isn’t the devil, “the company is”, but you can use diluted MG, it will grow a plant. there is MUCH better out there but MG won’t hurt it. Just getting it in a good soil like ocean forest will feed it for over a month, with nothing but water. You don’t need to feed a seedling anyhow. And the amazon light isn’t actually 300 watts, the Chinese blurple lights all post wattage as actual when it’s “just like 300watts of a real light”. Grab a spider farmer sf1000. They’re on amazon. Good Quantum board, Won’t kill your electric bill, and a good start for 1 plant. Good luck.
Thanks for the advice.