Well-Known Member
Goodness no.....she hasn't has she?!?
Goodness no.....she hasn't has she?!?
die, die fastthe third pic was supposed to be teddy, but mainliner somehow overcame him and usurped him. i thought it was appropriate, and left it as is.
So buck...you aware?
That your an asshole that is
Had to look this up a while ago I thought it was due to shit and excessive cock staining.,. But really the discoloration is due to great blood flow, one could correlate this with arousal so bassically the horn balls have dark holes. Not sure if the same goes for the asshole..I wonder if that would work on a habitual back-to-front wiper, who, over the years has developed quite the discoloration of her labia...
Very informative. Having never even wondered about the phenomenon I would most likely have never discovered this fascinating truth without your research. I thank you, sir.Had to look this up a while ago I thought it was due to shit and excessive cock staining.,. But really the discoloration is due to great blood flow, one could correlate this with arousal so bassically the horn balls have dark holes. Not sure if the same goes for the asshole..
He can,he pumps gas at the sheets...Jesus can't help us.
Jesus can't help us.
Oh and @rory420420 I think @panhead is the mod taking her place and he's cool as fuck probably the most lenient mod on here
Thanks.Your avatar Is on.my list of best avatars on RIU.
Are you kidding me i wouldnt take that job for $1,000 a week , who says sunni still wont be around ?
I nominate myself.
its a free job i thought? how is RIU making money?
I dont know about the business affairs of the site but all mods are unpaid , she does alot of stuff .
reported for harassment for what.Thanks.
Reported for harassment
Reported for harassment
Reported for reportionReported for falsifying a report.
Lol I'm just playin manreported for harassment for what.
Swallow faster...die, die fast