issues with soil grow

So I'm on day 7 of flower and have had some foil age problems recently. I have had some rust spots, yellowing with some lime green splotchiness, and withering of lower fan leaves. I also in the past day or 2 have noticed some clawing of my top new growth which is also dark green. I have done some research and I think I have a combination of problems caused by the MG moisture control soil I'm using. I haven't tried to flush due to my worry that the nutrient pellets would release even more nutes. I don't have any signs of nute burn but I can tell that my roots have reached the bottom of my pot (not root bound quite yet I don't think). My verdict is that the soil is too acidic due to the high level of nutrients, and has caused lockout of some nutrients while also causing a toxicity of nitrogen and salt buildup. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions. I'm considering a transplant into an organic soil and a possible flush after the transplant. If the transplant is a bad idea should I just flush? With either I would adjust pH. I do not have any way of measuring pH as of now I'm just guessing that it is acidic due to the signs the plant has shown and b/c of the nutrients in the soil.

I should also add that temps and bugs are not an issue and I have been using distilled water. Used an extremely light dose of MG AP plant food about a week ago but have only used dist. Water and unsulphured molasses (1tbsp/gal) since. Also would the use of hydrogen peroxide help roots to breathe or clean out the soil at all?

Any soil suggestions for transplant are welcome as I have not purchased anything yet.

Peace and smoke
I have also had some issues with leaves being just a little droopy and the fan leave stems are more red than before but not near the tops. Not under watered but maybe clogged soil. Also any thoughts on Botanicare Clearex or a similar solution?


Active Member
Do you have any pics you can post? And as for the pellets, those are a bad idea. I grow in dirt and add my own nutrients due to the fact you can fix the problems you have. With pellets you cannot without transplanting. Since your only 7 days into flower you can transplant but do it carefully. I did one of my plants and didnt hurt it. I did add super thrive to the water when I did change the soil. Hope this little bit helps but it's totally up to you of what you want to do.
Yeah I figured that it is a pH problem and I am going to get at least some litmus strips in the next day or two if not a digital pH meter. I didn't realize how bad the time release pellets in my soil were until it was too late. The plant did great in veg for about 4-5 weeks with just one transplant into the same soil but I guess it caught up to me. I'm guessing the plant will come out of the pot as one big root ball so should I try to get any of the soild off of the roots or would that be too stressful given its already sickly state? I will wait for the soil to dry out pretty good beforehand so at least the excess will fall off.

As far as pics are concerned I will try to get some up but it was already lights out by the time i posted.


Well-Known Member
I used to get all these sort of problems. I invested in some 'Alg A Mix' from biobizz which is a seaweed extract and acts as an organics booster and provides your soil with all the micro nutrients and bacteria it needs to be healthy. As soon as I started using it I noticed an improvement on that grow. Using from the start of grows now I don't even see the problems to start with - all my plants are perfectly healthy.

Oh and I also invested in a ph pen so I could ensure the ph was exactly 6.5 - both of these things were done resulting in perfect plants.
going tomorrow to the store to find a soil and a way to test ph. I think i am going to try transplanting it so should i transplant then flush or flush, let dry out, then transplant? The new soil wont have any time release nutes but the current soil does. probably going to use clearex from botanicare during the flush.