Issues with Pro MIX HP-CC

Also a little extra phosphorus in the early weeks of veg can produce 20% more roots. more roots means more nutrients and water uptake which leads to better quality and yield
Hello all, having some PH issues with HP-CC. I'm not sure what to PH my water at.

I tried around 6.7 initially... the plants dont look horrible however I am seeing signs of deficiencies/lockout already. I just flushed them with RO water.

Does anyone know what to PH this soilless mix at? ProMIX says just water and the soil will PH itself... yeah I've read threads on this and its true for about 2-3 waterings... lol. I've also read threads on HP-CC and cannot seem to find a definite answer.

I am thinking 5.8 PH and have been the whole time. There is not a LOT of CC in the mix, however I've been told by someone to PH at 5.8... just not sure.

Anyone? Experience with HP-CC?

Thanks in advance so much.
Switch to "Pro-mix cc" or just staigjt coco. Youre not the first person thats said this/had this problem. Iknow the question is old, but someone who reads this in the future may find benefit
Just run straight coco coir. Peat is acidic by nature. Thats why Promix adds dolomite lime. To raise the peat to high sixes to seven. Lime also has calcium but its not very plant available. Washes out in the runoff by then. Its fine for a quick 2 to 4 month crop like cannabis..usually but if you water/fertigate with lots of runoff..your gonna lose that lime buffer. Top dress more. Peat also contracts and crusts up top. I use to lose plants in the back canopy with a perfectly fine flowing dripper because the water and feed just ran down the sides. Yucca saponin is your friend here. Peat is a hydrophobic substrate. Used Promix for a very long time. Switched to straight coco coir about 10 - 12 years ago and havent looked back. Its the better far.
If you are using pH up then thats probably your issue. Its most likely causing sodium build up in the medium. I use HP-CC with 7.8 pH well water. Never have any issues. pH up and down are meany for fish tanks and full hydro grows. They are not designed to be used in soil.
I used CC40 and strayed away after having good results. My grow shop guy told me I was the only one using it and that I should switch to straight Coco. I switched. Bought a $100 PH pen. $15 storage solution for said pen. $15 calibration solution. $20 PH up and down. I am now on my second straight Coco grow and guess what? I'm going back to CC40. Using CC40 and not PHing my 7.8 well water with BPN's Farmers Pride organic line worked way better.