Issues with my 2 plants


Active Member
I want to know what I can do for these plants guys. I have been growing them just fine for about 3 weeks and last week they started with curling and then the leaves started turning brown and now they just look dead to me. I just want to make sure before I flush them that they have a chance to come back. I know the pictures will make them look alive so I am going to post plenty of pictures on all angles so you guys can see them.

I have flushed the soil, because I did give them miricle grow nute's which were suppost to give them a nigtrogin boost, but I hear bad things about miricle grow. I also pulled the plant soil and all out of the cup and got all the soil off the roots and ran them under water for about 10 seconds and them re-planted them as deep as I could in the soil since they did stretch at first. I also trimmed the dead shit off the plants and now they are outside in the 82 degree weather under the sunlight.

So guys, please look at my pictures and tell me if they are still alive or worth the hassle of trying to revive. The strain is auto ak47xblueberry btw so it wouldnt be a big yeild anyways.



Active Member
looks like heat and over watering both, are those containers draining properly?
doesn't look like they even have holes in them in the pictures...
If that's the case the roots are just sitting in a pool of water and probably starting to rot.
It's also time to transplant to something larger anyway, my guess is when you pull them you'll find the soil to be almost totally full of root...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, you didn't need to nute them that young.I usually wait a month before I nute...depends on the soil.If you ask me, I'd say they look way overwatered.How often do you water?


Active Member
damn you guys mean business, i just posted this and logged out and refreshed the page and i got some responces....:D :D

Anyways, I was told by somebody that I should put a hole in the bottom of the cups so I took a knife and heated it up and made a decent sized hole in both cups. Also, since I washed the roots for 10 sec in the sink I was able to see the root system and it isnt that big, its still pretty small. Its like a big white root with several small root stems coming off of it. Anyways, i was told it could be over watering so im not watering them anymore. The soil is damp, not wet so I think the sun is going to dry that dirt up pretty quick. Maybe heat could be a possibility since my AC hasnt been on for a while and its been in the 80's here.

Do they even look like they can be revived by a noob like me? If so, what else can I do? Have I done enough already and should just let nature take its course?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You should have placed them in larger pots, or even stuck them in the ground if you plan on doing an outdoor grow.Let the soil dry out between waterings,for future reference.I'd say, let them be a couple of days,and if they perk up, think about bigger pots or straight into the ground.Also, if they've been inside, you can't just put them straight have to harden them off, giving them more sunlight gradually each day for a couple of weeks.
damn you guys mean business, i just posted this and logged out and refreshed the page and i got some responces....:D :D

Anyways, I was told by somebody that I should put a hole in the bottom of the cups so I took a knife and heated it up and made a decent sized hole in both cups. Also, since I washed the roots for 10 sec in the sink I was able to see the root system and it isnt that big, its still pretty small. Its like a big white root with several small root stems coming off of it. Anyways, i was told it could be over watering so im not watering them anymore. The soil is damp, not wet so I think the sun is going to dry that dirt up pretty quick. Maybe heat could be a possibility since my AC hasnt been on for a while and its been in the 80's here.

Do they even look like they can be revived by a noob like me? If so, what else can I do? Have I done enough already and should just let nature take its course?


Active Member
I am planning to put these outdoors if they survive. I am just trying to get them blooming again, before I do that. I dont want to waste my time if they are just going to die. I am putting them on my balcony in the morning and then in the afternoon around this time when the sun doesnt hit my balcony, i put them back under the cfls for the night. I am using a 24/0 lighting schedule. So one more question, one of my pictures that I did a close up of the stem I did to see if anyone could tell sex. I think they might be female's, but I dont know. I dont see any balls.

You should have placed them in larger pots, or even stuck them in the ground if you plan on doing an outdoor grow.Let the soil dry out between waterings,for future reference.I'd say, let them be a couple of days,and if they perk up, think about bigger pots or straight into the ground.Also, if they've been inside, you can't just put them straight have to harden them off, giving them more sunlight gradually each day for a couple of weeks.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's too early to tell.Unless they are autoflowering, you actually have to put them on a 12/12 cycle to get them to show sex.I'm not a strain expert, so I have no idea if those are autoflowering, but I couldn't tell by the pics one way or another.
I am planning to put these outdoors if they survive. I am just trying to get them blooming again, before I do that. I dont want to waste my time if they are just going to die. I am putting them on my balcony in the morning and then in the afternoon around this time when the sun doesnt hit my balcony, i put them back under the cfls for the night. I am using a 24/0 lighting schedule. So one more question, one of my pictures that I did a close up of the stem I did to see if anyone could tell sex. I think they might be female's, but I dont know. I dont see any balls.


Active Member
Yes they are autoflowering. They are Lowlife AK47 x Blueberry f1 hybrid, to be exact. I think the bigger of the two might recover but the other one seems like too much or a runt to recover, but we will see I guess. Thanks for all the help man. Much appricated!