Issue with yellowing of leaves and stunted growth after replant


New Member
So I have 3 plants, one is exceling and looks healthy and happy and the other two are having troubles after my replant. the one has yellowing leaves around the bottom and wont grow at all. the other is about the size as the yellow one but looks healthier but its growth is stunted. wondering where im going wrong with them. I'm watering every so often with fruit and vegetable enhanced water as i made in my last post. used some honey and water as suggested by another member, but i still think the yellow plants rots are damaged somehow from the transplant. the roots were growing through the clay pot i had it in and when i pulled it out the roots ripped off, could it be some sort of transplant shock? should i trim its bottom leaves?


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I would suspect stunned growth from the transplant if some roots got damaged especially I would give some type of root microbe. There is also something else going on though and I'm interested to see what it is.
Lets see transplanted from tiny pot to small pot
"I'm watering every so often with fruit and vegetable enhanced water"
" used some honey and water as suggested by another member"
" i still think the yellow plants rots are damaged somehow from the transplant. the roots were growing through the clay pot i had it in and when i pulled it out the roots ripped off, could it be some sort of transplant shock? should i trim its bottom leaves?"
This should be a what not to do to grow marijuana for dummies...

Yeah the whole solution is trimming the leaves that offend your eyes

Or maybe reading and focusing on how to win and not be a loser
For me, if I am taking a plant from a pot where it is heavy (saturated), the plant goes into a pot that has dry soil, then I wait (3) days before watering the transplant. Anyhow, to me, it looks like it was over-watered, and a slight mag issue is developing...