Issue with curing


Active Member
I'm curing my latest crop in a glass jar as some tell me to do. I keep the lid open for an hour or two every second day. However, I see no loss in weight and the stems I left for the purpose don't seem to dry either. What could be the problem here?


Well-Known Member
I harvest and hang in my basement (73* and 45-50% r/h). I chop and hang for 3-5 days, then they go into the jar after the stems snap, but not fully break in two. then cure in 1/2 gallon mason jars for 1-2 weeks, burping 1-2 times a day for 1/2 hr to 2 hrs if needed. after the r/h has stabilized to 55% r/h, I no longer burp and I put in a 62% humidity packa nd vacuum seal the jars.


Well-Known Member
Why are you wanting to loose weight? Personally I like buds are not super dry and turn into powder when you break one up.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Most of the weight is lost during the initial dry, the curing is just to completely slow down the final drying, almost holding it in it's state. Any weight loss and drying will be very gradual, curing is typicall months, not weeks.


Active Member
The bud has to feel dry before you jar. When you open the jar the next day the bud should feel a little moist if it wasn't jarred too dry. I leave the lid open till the bud feels dry again & close the lid. Repeat process until the buds still feel dry after 24-48 hours with the lid closed. Then store. Easy.
Easier still, buy yourself some mini-hygrometers that go in your jars [mine cost $6-7 from china] & read Simons stickied curing thread.
I used to cure in paper bags after a few days of drying. I used Simons method on my last 7 girls & my cured buds never been better. mmmmmmbuds:)

strain horder

Active Member
3-5 days probably isn't enough of a dry.. When I trim fresh wet weed, after I trim, I will hang from 6-10 days to dry before it goes in the jar. If they are larger or slower drying, I will leave longer. When I chop and dry the whole plant and don't trim first, I typically dry 14- 20 days, then trim and then jar. If you have moisture build up and the lid of the jar is held on with strong suction, you need to leave the top off for a bit. Sometimes I do it for an hour, sometimes for 6. Depends on how strong the vacum seal is on the jar from the moisture. The stronger the hold, the longer I leave the top off. I would personally always rather dry it longer instead of not long enough. If you keep your humidity in that 45% range and your temps correct (I do 68 degrees ) I think you should be fine. Just let it dry longer. My general rule is, nothing in the jar until the stem snaps.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i've jarred buds that still felt too damp after a few days. i put buds on a plate and place it in a paper bag, closed tightly, for a day or so. then back into jars. GL