Israel slaughters more Palestinians

You're the one who takes the side of Israel against the Palestinian People.

At least be honest about it. If you can't, that just proves you not only know it's wrong but you can't admit it.

Which would make you a dishonest Zionist, wouldn't it?

great euphemism for lying jew

now please cite where i have said i think it is peachy keen to murder palestinians and take their land
The true children of Israel are in Ethiopia. It's also where you will find the ark of the covenant. The Bolshevik Zionist who are there now are evil impostors.
please cite where i have said i think it is peachy keen to murder palestinians and take their land
What's your position today?

Are you afraid to tell people how you really feel?

Is it easier for you to just scream insults at people?

Stick with your flat Earth conspiracies, you're way out of your depth here.
Yeah tooooo deep. In July 1967 Six Day war and the Yom Kippur war in 1973 the Israelis kicked the shit out of the rest of the Arab world and they been slapping them around ever since so what?. If you want to talk about human atrocity look at what the good ole USA has done. The Israelis have the BEST trained commando units and the best weapons and aircraft money can buy. Yes they also have a nuclear arsenal. The Mossad makes the CIA and KGB look like cub scouts. The disease ridden land they took over in 1947 has since flourished. Israel is not a third world country now its prosperous and clean. The Palestinian sectors are filthy. You think Palestinians are pissed off now? Just wait until the Israelis finally get permission (Clerical Rabbis keep asking) to search for temple artifacts that are hidden in the Vatican. Then they will tear down the dome of the rock (3rd holiest Islam site) which is built on the 2nd temple site to rebuild the 3rd temple. Wowzer !! The whole Muslim world is going to shit a brick.
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Please stop spamming our website with repetitive posts that conveniently avoid taking a position.
please cite where i have said i think it is peachy keen to murder palestinians and take their land

or you can just admit you lied
you now that was hitler's line, right?
Yeah he wanted to kill off the Bolshevik Jews because he felt they were the virus of the Earth. Exploitation of people for their own financial gain is in the nature of Zionist. That's why he foolishly invaded Russia military strategy be damned. He wanted to kill as many Jews as he could. At the end of WW2 General George Patton then realized the USA had fought and killed the wrong enemy. Now look where we are. Jews control everything.