ISO warning


Well-Known Member
justtt thought I would warn a few people when using a brand of Iso for the first time to test it on a small amount even if it sais %100 . Lost a large Amount due to using a bottle that said %100 ISO but all I can taste is shitty fragrance , noticed it in a few of the larger bottles of ISO sold in hardware stores, Mabe to stop cunts drinking it I dunno? I'll update with the couple brand names and pics later on.... fyi I'm stoned and typing with one hand for all you gramma nazzis..... On another note is it possible to get this shit out :S id assume not
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Iso sucks any how, use butane just dont be stupid, do it in a safe place with good ventilation!

I have only seen 96% and you can get it at wallmart if your gonna keep making iso instead of bho!

I prefer my 190 proof shine to iso! But still use butane when I want e-oil or just honey oil,

Post a pic of the bottle

Also I've never seen 100%
This stuff , kinda taste like a lemony soapy taste and smell , ... I've used %99 by diggers a few times and it's turned out fine ******


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Iso sucks any how, use butane just dont be stupid, do it in a safe place with good ventilation!

I have only seen 96% and you can get it at wallmart if your gonna keep making iso instead of bho!

I prefer my 190 proof shine to iso! But still use butane when I want e-oil or just honey oil,

No wall marts in my country but %99 is common although only in smalllll bottle for a nice expense ... Good quality butane is a pain to get from here , I have just been lazy and not findin some online tho
ISO is denatured, meaning they put in spirits that are unpalatable, for the purpose of keeping people from drinking it, yes. However these spirits are designed specifically to be difficult to remove from the solution (which btw 100% anything doesn't exist, lab/reagent grade is 99.99%) as the denaturing spirit boils at almost the exact same temp as the ISO making them impossible to separate. There are many grades with diff purposes. eg.
70% is generally considered "rubbing alcohol" and the only real problem with that is the water, not the denaturing agent.

So if your end product retained the denaturing agent, then it almost certainly contained ISO and than means you didn't purge properly. poor carpenter always blames his tools. ;-)

I have used several solvents (butane, ISO, methanol, ethanol) and honestly if you want the best you go with ethanol. I use store bought booze and run it through a distillation apparatus to refine it to about 95%. You can get it even higher with a zeolite. As for butane, seriously dangerous although it is a great solvent to use as long as you dewax (winterize). I should also add that most pro BHO extractions finish with ethanol.
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Well a Google of isocol. . it's pretty sketchy with dif purities and additives mentioned as well as being called rubbing alcohol

Your not gonna get 100% which is another red flag .

Isopropyl alcohol 91-99% at any supermarket is clean. With nothing added

"Isocol Rubbing Alcohol is an effective antiseptic, cleanser and freshener all in one bottle. With so many uses for your everyday life, it’s a useful product for Australian households. The active ingredient Isopropyl Alcohol is an antiseptic that evaporates quickly and leaves a fresh subtle fragrance and a tingling fresh feeling on the skin."

Idk it just seems a little odd
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It looks like it should be 100%. Best to buy USP grade at a drug store though. It's definitely high purity, pharmaceutical grade. It says 99% but the 1% is just water.

If you did get crud in it then maybe you could extract the THCA from it with hyroxide. That's assuming it wasn't heated enough to convert it to THC.
Rubbing alcohol made with ethanol is denatured to prevent people from drinking it but ISO isn't as it's toxic all on it's own so doesn't need to have crap added to it. That Isocol has a stuff added not to denature it but to add scent. ISO is poisonous and one should avoid too much contact with the skin or breathing the fumes yet the company that makes that Isocol crap says to use it all over to refresh yourself. That's nuts.

The scent didn't remain in your oil because you didn't purge properly. It stayed because it's an oil itself with a much higher boiling point than the ISO and remained after all the ISO was gone. You basically denatured your pot oil.

I bought some RV anti-freeze that used to winterize the plumbing as it's made with ethanol so I figured I could distill it and get free booze. The crap they put in it was still there after three runs through my still so it would take a good fractional still to separate the pure alcohol out. Too bad it didn't work as that stuff is only $5/gal.

Without some sophisticated gear you are stuck with that stuff in your oil so you could make it into a salve and use it safely on sore joints but for toking it's no good. For a cheap and safe solvent 99% methyl hydrate. (aka wood alcohol, aka methanol), can be used just like ethanol for QWISO. It's not denatured and evaporates even faster than ethanol. Don't drink that shit tho as it will blind you before it kills you. :)

Rubbing alcohol made with ethanol is denatured to prevent people from drinking it but ISO isn't as it's toxic all on it's own so doesn't need to have crap added to it. That Isocol has a stuff added not to denature it but to add scent. ISO is poisonous and one should avoid too much contact with the skin or breathing the fumes yet the company that makes that Isocol crap says to use it all over to refresh yourself. That's nuts.

The scent didn't remain in your oil because you didn't purge properly. It stayed because it's an oil itself with a much higher boiling point than the ISO and remained after all the ISO was gone. You basically denatured your pot oil.

I bought some RV anti-freeze that used to winterize the plumbing as it's made with ethanol so I figured I could distill it and get free booze. The crap they put in it was still there after three runs through my still so it would take a good fractional still to separate the pure alcohol out. Too bad it didn't work as that stuff is only $5/gal.

Without some sophisticated gear you are stuck with that stuff in your oil so you could make it into a salve and use it safely on sore joints but for toking it's no good. For a cheap and safe solvent 99% methyl hydrate. (aka wood alcohol, aka methanol), can be used just like ethanol for QWISO. It's not denatured and evaporates even faster than ethanol. Don't drink that shit tho as it will blind you before it kills you. :)

Am very interested on this salve for sore joints to see how affective it is ! Shall give it a bit of a research , thx everyone for your imputs I thinkkkk next time I'll work on my purging , and avoid isocol .....