iso hash fist tim used 3.5 gram buds


I freezed all tools. Used 99%. And shook for 1 min 10 secs plus drain time. Evaped on a plate next to a glass top stove on high.

I have yey to weigh it. Its dark brown. How do you ensure 100% iso evap? I frooze it n smoked n took to work. Ill taw and put ned to burner again?

I light it on tip of razer and notice if heated quick it changed colour ( geys cloudy kimda reaombling earwax oil to me.) And i smell thc. Did i vape it? I smered it on a cigg n got a light buzz. How do you smoke? I want it to last same as a eighth would. My mose eficient way so far i think was in a spliff. Cig filters waste thc and iunno how to hotknife.


Active Member
Well kind of a hard post to read but lets see if I can find the questions. To make sure the iso all evaporated I add water to the dish before if all drys out and keep it heated while stirring the goop. You kind of want to vape it. Just apply heat around it not directly light it on fire. Yea filters will kill the high so dont just dip a cig, Plus the paper burns too fast to completely burn all the hash. I tried smoking this stuff every way. Found that a nice bell swing on a binger is my favorite. Other than that I would just put a bit on some herb and use it to make your bag last longer. When I have good ISO to put on my bowls I smoke the same amount of bud about half as fast. Dont usually smoke hash alone.


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I think it gives me a headach. That or its the cigg i rolled it with. ( oil smeared on paper) should i smear in a line down spliff? I stop half way cuz i roach it. Or should i keep it to the tip n have it melt n run down the joint from there? But most important is y is there a headach at first.


I yielded .40g what i would like to know is do u collect the center oil or you scrape the edges? I find the stuff around the edges to be dark and solid sticky. I froze the plate and sraped it. It was a light tan colour and it made a ball of frozen scrapings. I put it inbetween my index and thumb and was amazed by how fast it melted/ formed a solid hash ball and imediatly put back on the razor. I played with it a bit n was awed by the grenish resemblance to the colour i sometimes see in earwax hash. I didnt take time to examin it unfortunatly. I fingered it again and and put back to razer and thaught it was all solid sticky hash because the rest was put back to the freezer were it was sitting for 6 hour. I was evaporatine it in the open air in two small plates. I rushed and grabed a small one n had to grab a second. I then got a large plate because i was impatient n did not buy a pyrex. Im not at my home makeing it. As soon as i got a ok to use a plate i hoped at it b4 the person could change their mind. I was useing two small plates for a while some on a desk and some time on a cooling oven door. I got a short heated period from the door b4 switching to a larger plate. Please forgive my grammer. I was then givin permission to place it on the front right glass stove berner as the front left was set on high. It helped the process and i noticed one or two dust already in it. I started blowing and noticed it going faster. I noticed that it stoped and i scraped it watching in aww as the oil was forming before my eyes. I figured it was done n i had work the next day so i stuck it in the freezer with the solid stuff i got from the two first plates. I got like .39 of clear amber translucent oil and like .04 or thick shit n i smoked the thick shit as soon as i scraped the small dishes but saved some. I now relize while typing the thick shit was no good. I now wonder if freezing while half asleep made me freeze some iso as well. I shit s ared now that would completly ruin gear right????


Well-Known Member
First, alcohol has a very very low freezing point. Well bellow hash and water. It won't freeze in the freezer. I store mine in the freezer. It's one molecule away from ethanol aka booze. It shares a lot of the same properties. Now to answer a few of your questions:

There is 2 main ways to make sure all of the iso is evap'd: Vacuum purging and heat purging. I heat purge. This is heating it above the boiling point of isopropyl alcohol (181 F) while taking a paper clip extended completely out and "whipping" the hash till all of the alcohol is evaporated. It is very apparent when this happens. It will fluff up and become very stable (almost like budder) as your whip it for 10 - 15 min. If you extracted good quality trim correctly (1 min agitation 2 or 3 times in iso solution) and boiled it around 200 - 250 F, you should end up with a blonde, stable chunk of yellow hash. Very potent and quite tastey, imo. The second way is putting the hash in a vacuum sealed container with a hose connecting the container to an air pump that is constantly sucking air from the sealed jar thus causes negative pressure to pull out all of the iso vapors from your hash.

I smoke mine through some type of water filtered piece. I find getting a nail/dome or a TI swing works best for inhalation of the hash vapors. You can alternatively just stack a few screens in your bowl, throw a chunk of hash in there, and torch it. I used this method for a while. Throwing it on top of bowls is my second favorite method of using hash. I find that the less stable and more oily hash is usually less pure than the chunky, taffy like hash. If you have any other questions let me know. I'm a chemistry major and I've been trying to perfect this procedure for about a year now.



Help please i find the amber shit i got to be very mild wtf was wrong. I has sess stems seeds i no this only is bad i jus wanted enuf oil to experiment with. I had 2 g good bud also n 2 g mids with the sess shake stems seeds. It liquid at room temp fuck thats nad right think i bunned sum iso ewwww


Well-Known Member
Make sure you apply heat of 200+ F, but not above 300 F while whipping. It will turn clear, then start to thicken up. Try to spread it as much as you can on the bottom of a pyrex dish by applying cross-hatch whips repeatedly. In chemistry (I'm an organic chem major), we say 3 extractions is the magic number for solvent washes. It will pull 90% of the cannabinoids with minimal amounts of plant contaminants. If you only do it once, you lose close to 30-40% of total end product. Too much agitation and allowing it to sit in iso longer than 2 minutes will produce too much plant matter and dilute your concentrate. Too much heat will cook out all of the THC. Too little heat won't purge out all of the alcohol. It just takes practice and proper equipment to get the best end product.


Well-Known Member
just like budder huh?
Idk about just like BHO budder, but it does that that type of consistency. I mean, you see it. It's like a really stable budder. I think it's also important to note that this is dependent on starting material as well. Anything other than cut up flower or frosty, fresh trim will result in something other than blonde hash. It will most likely be black/brown oily goop.


Well-Known Member
It's baller shit if made right. Since I've been making my own concentrates, I've totally turned into a hash head. My tolerance is too high for anything else. lolz