Jakabok Botch
Well-Known Member
it says "i am a robot, bow to me!!"It seemed like a lot of numbers....
it says "i am a robot, bow to me!!"It seemed like a lot of numbers....
it's better than experiencing vu ja de - the uncanny feeling that this has never happened to you before!fucking de ja vu... how you spell that ??
I didn't know you cared ... ~kvell~ cnO'se that what it said? Well FUCK YOU TOO BUDDY.
dude what did you do? i used to do that as a teen on the bus, people would talk and id transport myself into their body and look around and literally see from their view. please how do you still have this function? please help!!!!!i want it back. i miss that part of myself so bad.What I find odd is.... how everything is or me, it is for you, only with a different person involved.
Like I find it weird that as I sit here typing, you guys are out there doing the same, but in a different house, you are you, on a different computer in a different place. So similar but so different, like an alternate reality. What is familiar in My Rollitup is not what you see when you click on it. When I walk down the street I try and envision myself as someone else, as what they are seeing through their physical eyes is totally different and they are going somewhere different. Or I wonder, what would it be like If I stopped right now and went their direction instead and then I wonder at which point does the present become the past? 0_o;
Brain... hurting...
someone said starting out online with metting people did it start here or in person for you?So you guys are computers? Nah I've met some of you....
if ur payin ill go wherever u need me to go....other than that.....it better be close lolWe should all meet up in RL so it isnt as weird.
cyber stalker!Like I am some dude sitting behind a computer on my keyboard and my soft chair, looking at a screen and reading what other people put on here. So weird!!!!
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