If they are citizens. How are they guests?
you don't come to this country and automatically become a citizen..you know that.
you are an immigrant.
they are immigrants.
If they are citizens. How are they guests?
Freakanomics should be required reading.
They have to follow our laws. Not give up their heritage and cultureyou don't come to this country and automatically become a citizen..you know that.
you are an immigrant.
they are immigrants.
In your case.Are you attempting to make fun of people who suffer from mental illness ?
In your case.
You imitate a psychiatrist very poorly considering all the therapy you have hadAttempting to make fun of folk (trolling) makes you feel better about your own insecurities i take it
you could of copied my avatar if it makes you feel better i do not mind
its funny how you try to say "hurtful things" you are just angry and lashing out
personally i do not believe mental illness is something i poke fun at, i was just reading sunnis thread on anxiety
when you see her next don't forget to mock her about her anxiety issues
They have to follow our laws. Not give up their heritage and culture
Of course you dobut also not forcing fellow americans who aren't interested in their heritage and culture. that's what their home is for.
i have the right to not be disturbed..not talk to anyone..not answer my door..not be touched..3 foot diameter of personal space.
that IS precisely it..the names are the problem...
so you're saying that the problem is not with racists who discriminate against blacks, but with blacks.
did you check the freakanomics YT i posted?
you'd understand if you watched..
so you're saying that the problem is not with racists who discriminate against blacks, but with blacks.
it's not my fault they, do it to themselves. by naming their children the way they do? it's even the joke with them.
PS..obama is adding 5% to capital gains 28% folks![]()
So, you have not been to Hawaii.
Gin Willy?? Is there discrimination against whites in Hawaii?
You have never been "asked" to leave an all black bar, diner, neighborhood? You don't get out much. And if you think you really get to see a culture from USAF station or base, you are shitting yourself.
so you feel that it is a black person's fault that their resume gets less consideration than the exact same resume from a white person?
you don't think that is the fault of the racist person who is discriminating against blacks?
if hawaii discriminates against white people so much, why does old white racist male nitroharley love it so much there?
@londonfog has it right, you must be drunk as fuck.
I think your ex was brilliant for leaving you. She must be very happy right about now. You seem very bitter and angry.
Are you going to share how you are discriminated against as a white man in America.
i already answered this above..c'mon! get happy!..it's "state of the union eve"..can't you just feel the excitement in the air?
it's almost electric.