Is yellowing normal when moving a seedling from one pot to another?


I started a bunch of plants the other day in little organic cubes (sorta like rockwool) in a pan with just about a half inch of water, they all sprouted and started growing. So, I moved them into the soil pots and watered the pots and now 4 of them (the biggest one around 2 inches tall with just 1 set of small leaves) are turning yellowish. I'm not sure if that's a normal thing as I hve never grown in soil before (I always do hydro).

Here are some pics and can someone tell me what might be up?

Thanks for the help!

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
The pics aren't so clear however they don't look bad. You should've kept em growing in the starter cubes for about 2 weeks or until the roots Max out the cube. Second of all check the NPK values of the soil you are using cus it could be to potent for plants so young. Could be burning em but I can't tell cus the pics are low quality. Is the entire leaf yellow or just the tips? Rule of thumb is feed your plants plain old pH balanced water until about 2 weeks after sprouting then when you do feed em always start with quarter strength of what your feeding directions say then gradually build em up to full strength. Hope that helps.


OK, Thanks. I will have to just hope they make it through this now as I don't want to uproot them. They were in the starter cubes for about 7 days.