Is weed a performance enhancing drug?


Well-Known Member
OK so we all know weed has the power to allow you to focus intensely, so for those of us out there who are physically active i believe its a performance enhancing drug!

Me personally I sometimes smoke before I go to the gym and im just so focused its nasty. Now i do take caffine with it and possibly some yohimbine or ephedrine but damn i love smoking and hitting the gym.

Whats everyone think? :joint:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
dude.. depends on the strain, sometimes I can't focus for shit.

I think its analgesic properties and ability to make people sleep would be more useful for performance enhancing.. not to mention an appetite stimulator.


Well-Known Member
i totally agree. I dont really like sativa, but i like something thats 50/50 for when i workout. .... now after i workout i love a nice dank indica to help with consuming cals and with calming down and sleeping.


Dude, they took a guys medal away from him at one of the winter Olympics one year! They said it enhanced his performance!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I just posted about a guy in the itenirad don't know if I spelled that right but anyways dog sledding. And he kept winning and being a open pothead the other people in thew race demaded he not be able to smoke pot and be in the competition, pretty silly especially since it's legal to grow your own personal mary J in alaska and they aren't even piss testing the dogs :bigjoint:

Maybe in a food eating contest yes than there is some unfair advantage but than again if you think your losing because you don't smoke pot, fight fire with fire know what I'm sayin?


Well-Known Member
it wouldnt surprise me if it was performance enhancing. i know that it helps me think clearer and quicker, so i learn new things at a faster rate and retain the knowledge a lot easier.


Well-Known Member
i'm way better at rhythm heaven when i'm high, keep losing my way playing left 4 dead when high tho lol so not really?


Well-Known Member
i lose my drum beats so fast because i think to far ahead and then just lose track. last summer smoke 3 joints 2 hours before a baseball game. kid threw an 87mph four seemer that seemed to hit the glove before i even knew he threw it. weed kills ALL my ability to focus on sports. love it though, lol


New Member
When I play golf, I blaze up in the parking lot beforehand and two or three times on the course. I don't do it to enjoy it, just to enhance it. I enjoy walking around in nature more and don't get anywhere near as angry at bad shots. I tend to detach from the results more and just focus on feel and process. These are all good things in the world of golf.

Definitely a performance enhancer in my book


Well-Known Member
yeah that is true, apply weed to most things and you're less stressed about results, you just enjoy the ride lol


Active Member
I played soccer before the team fell apart but when i went high i would score the nicest goals or make really creative plays. i dunno i think it just opened up my imagination and i would try shit i wouldn't normally try. and i guess being in the zone
allowed me to pull it off most of the time.

I do think that it will only work when you smoke and play your best sport, the one you've played all your life. it only works on soccer for me, i fuck everything else up.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
it's sick.. I didn't think of this rly, when I smoke sativas and then play a sport I am like super in the zone! Like VoodooMagic19, it ups your imagination and lets you do shit you normally wouldn't try.


Well-Known Member
There was actually a guy who got kicked out of the olympics because he had reefer in his system and everyone was mad because theres no way in hell that it was gonna make him a better skier lol the announcer was like the only way he would do better is if they put a candy bar at the finish line lol


Active Member
it's sick.. I didn't think of this rly, when I smoke sativas and then play a sport I am like super in the zone! Like VoodooMagic19, it ups your imagination and lets you do shit you normally wouldn't try.
well to all you doubters out there lol i to believe it enhance's your skills, i play some serious competitive sports, and i smoke before every game i play, keeps me in the zone. ps sports i play are hockey and baseball and lacrosse!!! every other sport i love to do in my free time also. pure jock here lol but like i said before i smoke every game!! your very creative, and usually are right on top of things!!


Well-Known Member
This is funny you bring up this topic.

I use to go to a Big Ten school. I use to smoke with some of the bball team before home games sometimes lol. NOT gona say what school... but wouldn't be hard to figure out with a google search :D. I couldn't imagine how pissed off the fans would be if they knew they were blazed out there on the bball court.


Well-Known Member
My highschool Drug tested. So I never had to opportunity to blaze up before a Volleyball match. Sometimes ill go to my college practices high but I dont like playing in matches high since I'm never consistantly in the zone. I do enjoy poppin a couple vicodins before a match to limit my chronic shoulder pain.


Well-Known Member
I'm a professional jazz musician. Herb and jazz go together like peas and carrots. It definitely enhances my experience every time. I don't need herb to get to that magical "place" (think ego-less creativity/expression), but it is easier to get there when I'm high. It also prolongs the high so smoking a J before a gig could last me several hours.

The father of jazz, Louis Armstrong was smoking on the herb. He even played songs about it. Many jazz musicians back then did the same. That's one of the reasons it's illegal now! The white folk didn't look to kindly on all those pot smoking Darkies who were having a ball and stealing their ladies away. What better way to make their life miserable? Make their drug of choice illegal!

Enjoy your Booze-Day today, Whities.