Is ventilation absolutely necessary


Active Member
:hump:I have a large closet setup and if temperature is not a problem do I need an intake and exhaust system. I am currently supplementing CO2 with a injection system, so CO2 levels are not a concern either.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
:hump:I have a large closet setup and if temperature is not a problem do I need an intake and exhaust system. I am currently supplementing CO2 with a injection system, so CO2 levels are not a concern either.
It's going to get very stinky; The neighbors might complain.

It's nice to have skunks around because you can always blame it on a skunk


Active Member
:hump:I have a large closet setup and if temperature is not a problem do I need an intake and exhaust system. I am currently supplementing CO2 with a injection system, so CO2 levels are not a concern either.
The only reason you need ventilation is to control heat build up and to allow fresh air (aka CO2) into your room. If both of those are taken care of, there is no need for ventilation.


Active Member
The smell depends on your location. The smell won't be strong outside of a house or apartment unless you have a lot of plants and your neighbors are right on top of you. Also, you can control the smell with a simple fan and carbon filter anywhere near your grow room- it doesn't have to be a ventilation system going in and out of your room- the odor will eventually get sucked into the carbon as long as your filter and fan are somewhere in close proximity to your grow room. Check out this link for a great, cheap DIY carbon filter:


Active Member
Cool fellas, thanks for the input. I am still undecided as what to do. My temps are slightly high but never above 85 degrees F. It would be simpiler to just have ventilation and not rely on the co2 injection. I just don't know if im ready to start cutting up walls and doors ya know:-?. Also thats very nice carbon scubber on liquid lumens thread, check it out!


Well-Known Member
:hump:I have a large closet setup and if temperature is not a problem do I need an intake and exhaust system. I am currently supplementing CO2 with a injection system, so CO2 levels are not a concern either.

you need air exchange so that the plant can release its poison man , and keep the air from being stale and also some heat stress and stench


Active Member
:hump:I have a large closet setup and if temperature is not a problem do I need an intake and exhaust system. I am currently supplementing CO2 with a injection system, so CO2 levels are not a concern either.
Yes buds love moving air... heat issues or not you want to keep air moving at all times dude!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
with some ventilation you might be able to get the heat down some more. Believe you me i know 85 degrees its too hot. It won't kill them but your yeild will suffer.