There are a lot of things that are legal that are not "right". Before Reagan what Romney and his ilk do, stealing from working people, was illegal. Just because Reagan made it legal does not make it right.
Disability is somewhat easy to get (if ye know how to go about getting a rating) (worse case scenario it takes about 20-24 mos and 2 applications, done properly you can get first try in 12 mos.)and once you qualify for that, medicaid and much more are easily accessible.
I myself don't care if she 100% legally qualifies or not, health care is a right not a privilege no matter what anybody says.
One thing I don't get tho , SS disability is supposed to pay out only to people who qualify to the fact they cannot do any work for which they have any skills at all for. so......... disability from military or private employment issues is in fact easy to get. Unless the laws have changed in the last 10 years you should not be able to make 40k year normally employed.
Just because you said she qualified without telling a lie does not mean a Dr. didn't lie or something was conveniently left out, otherwise this 40k must be coming from a "special" employment... lol