Is this what I think it is?


Well-Known Member
Week 5/6. Well that is just ducky... If those were busted nuts all my plants are probably going to be affected then I assume. Craptastic.
try doing it with three grows in a row like me lmao..... make sure after ur done fucking with them u wipe down ur room super good atleast three times with a water and bleach mixter , lights walls , meters , fans especually , walls pots EVERYTHING or u will get a repeat. also mist with water to kill the pollen that may be floating around


Well-Known Member
try doing it with three grows in a row like me lmao..... make sure after ur done fucking with them u wipe down ur room super good atleast three times with a water and bleach mixter , lights walls , meters , fans especually , walls pots EVERYTHING or u will get a repeat. also mist with water to kill the pollen that may be floating around
Wow, three times in a row huh? Sorry to hear.


Well-Known Member
Water kills pollen...remember that....I don't use bleach, any chemical etc...water,water,water....that's why you spray a male plant with water to move it out of your growroom...same concept


try doing it with three grows in a row like me lmao..... make sure after ur done fucking with them u wipe down ur room super good atleast three times with a water and bleach mixter , lights walls , meters , fans especually , walls pots EVERYTHING or u will get a repeat. also mist with water to kill the pollen that may be floating around
Yikes! will heed your words so i hopefully won't repeat :)


Well-Known Member
try doing it with three grows in a row like me lmao..... make sure after ur done fucking with them u wipe down ur room super good atleast three times with a water and bleach mixter , lights walls , meters , fans especually , walls pots EVERYTHING or u will get a repeat. also mist with water to kill the pollen that may be floating around
LOL motherfucking afghaniXgdpXgreencrackXogkushXcheese feminized hermied offspring!