is this true??

now another problem.. i got up today and set the plant out of its dark spot and put it directly in sunlight, its been about only 2 hours since then, keep in mind morning hours ad 87 degrees, and now she is withering, and looks sad. whats up with that??? is it too hot outside? i gave her some water cuz i noticed the soil drys extremely fast. if i dont keep up with her when she wants water is she going to do this? ive noticed i have to water or spray down like twice a day. please help!! i dont get it 2 hours ago, it looked fine.

and another thing it seemed to only affect the biggest oldest fanleaf, when i came out she was withered and the leaf was turning into itself on the sides of each
i found out about the nutes, my friend said he put two table spoons mixed with water in the bottle he gave me. he said it is the right amount for the first nutes. is he right? the water bottle is a little over half full. theres a pic to help.

i have her still outside in the shade/sun, looking better, the affected fan leaf isnt droopy anymore, but still all deformed..:wall:



Active Member
that looks like kinda miracle grow.

also miracle grow is 24-8-16 which is fairly high for new plants. also two tablespoons is way too much if that is what hes using.
that looks like kinda miracle grow.
okay, well its in MG soil so, i dont think i should give it nutes for a while.. how long do you think is best?, since randomly today that fanleaf withered up.

thats exactly what i was thinking too, its only sposed to be one tablespoon right? i dont know what her problem is, i let her do her thing, water her from time to time. it was chilling this morning then at about 1030 am that fanleaf was withering..

i just checked on it, and the end of some of the leafs on that fan leaf are curled and crispy, but the rest of the leaf is still grean and healthy, just like every other leaf.
so your growing it in a neutral soil with no nutes and its not about 80 deg or super humid and its still dying?
yes miracle grow soil, but except it is super humid its over 80 degrees is hot. im talking 90's. im in san fernando valley, CA. idk if it necessarily dieing either. just something happened to it from sum time during 830-1030am today, which is wierd cuz its not that hot yet.. but like i said for sum reason the soil always feels really dry every day, so i water it a little, and when it gets super hot mist the leafs a little


Well-Known Member
well ive read almost all of this thread. and i must say "EEWWWWWW." if i were you i would just start again. id start from seed and learn from the mistakes you have made on this grow. or get new clones and dont over do the nutes from the start. ive no experience with clones myself but i do know those plants have been in great distress. maybe do a bit more research. mainly just do not burn them up. good luck with these and any future grows
okay ^^^ idk why its ewww? but alright. if anything i think it looks better then my first attempt at growing. haha im learning alot from this experience, done alot of research/homework, and still failing.

well anyways same problem today, leafs withering/drooping when in the sun, so i gave her water, and put her in the shade. i think the black plastic pot brings in a lot of heat, and drys the soil rapidly within the matter of two hours. is what im noticing every day,it likes water everyday.

another thing is, an older experienced grower told me to use miracle grow, that thats all he has used in years, he said also everyone has there own opioni.

overview: its n mg soil, 4-5 days old, needs watering for sum reason everyday or she looks sad. she gets alot of sun here in cali.. the growing condition should be working well from what my grandpa told me, that i could even grow in the dirt out here if i wanted to. so whats the problem?? iam gonna transplant her soon, becuz of a friends mistake of not getting enough soil, and that pot gets to hot. so since i gotta get soil, what do you recommend then? im going to like an osh or somthing, so think big stores.