Is this too much light?


Well-Known Member
My plant is only 9 days old, the first 6 days she has been streching like crazy, so i came to the conclusion my ufo sux and isnt putting out enough light. So i put a 68 watt cfl and lowered the ufo, and now she has yellow/light green spots on one side, and on the other half the leaf has turned yellow. So does this mean i gave her too much light now?


Well-Known Member
My plant is only 9 days old, the first 6 days she has been streching like crazy, so i came to the conclusion my ufo sux and isnt putting out enough light. So i put a 68 watt cfl and lowered the ufo, and now she has yellow/light green spots on one side, and on the other half the leaf has turned yellow. So does this mean i gave her too much light now?
bump... can any1 help me? any advice? too much light? too much watering? help me help my baby!!!


Well-Known Member
doesn't look like too much light, too little if anything. I dont have too much exp with cfls, but i just made a veg chamber with some. Im using 2 100 watters i think they were.. not sure how much lumes that is.. but i got 2, for 6 clones each about 6 inches. Good rule of thumb, 100 watts per plant. Can never have too much light with cfls


Well-Known Member
When they are babies they do not need as much light, you should wait 2 to 3 weeks under mild light to allow them to establish,,,,now that could mean raising your hid a few more inches

also 65 watters put off more heat and can not go as close to the plants without burning, get it 4 to 6 inches above

and there is a such thing as to much light, plants/leafs will bleach out but the lights you mentioned will not cause this

best guess based on info and pics is that ya burned em with the 65 watter
wait from what i know clf don't make much heat at all. I seen many plants touching the florescent light. i think it is the air is to dry and they did not drink, ferts or something else, like bugs. i just never seen burn from clf lights


Well-Known Member
wait from what i know clf don't make much heat at all. I seen many plants touching the florescent light. i think it is the air is to dry and they did not drink, ferts or something else, like bugs. i just never seen burn from clf lights
well I have a 65 watter and you can't hold it the way you can with 23 and 42 watters
bigger they are hotter they get :bigjoint:

the other possibilty is that your ufo puts out uv? if it does then moving it closer could have burned them

but sticking with "best" guess based on info given,,want a better guess give more info :bigjoint: