Is this too many plants for this tent


Well-Known Member
Too many. Id only do 1 plant in a 2x2 and I dont even want to do that. Height is important for yield too Id like at least 6.5 foot tall tents, 2.5x2.5’ for each plant.

You can make it work but what grow method is this, soil, drain to waste coco? Which ever one it is youd want to keep plants small as possible to make it work.

It would be better to invest in a bigger better setup I learned the hard way but thats if yield is a concern. Both yield and ease of growth.


Well-Known Member
I just now saw the images. I dont like links but realize now those arent links. Still stands what I said, I didnt have to see pics but that infact doesnt look too bad.

If the photos are flowering already Id do some scrogging amd clean up the canopy IE defol prune allow light to the entire plant.

Hows humidity reading?


Well-Known Member
It would personally be too much for me because whenever I pack them in like that I ALWAYS lose some to mold. Gotta be diligent to avoid the humidity spike when lights go off especially in a very small tent. They look awesome tho and I really hope it works out for you


Well-Known Member
Looks great mate, not too many at all nice full canopy. You can take off all the lower branching that is not / will not get much light to increase air flow and avoid all the larf. Get lot of air movement going in there.

High plant counts are the most efficient use of time and space as it cuts veg time down and more top colas.


New Member
Too many. Id only do 1 plant in a 2x2 and I dont even want to do that. Height is important for yield too Id like at least 6.5 foot tall tents, 2.5x2.5’ for each plant.

You can make it work but what grow method is this, soil, drain to waste coco? Which ever one it is youd want to keep plants small as possible to make it work.

It would be better to invest in a bigger better setup I learned the hard way but thats if yield is a concern. Both yield and ease of growth.
They’re in soil and the plants were pretty small when I flipped to flower( about 18”). My 5x5 is in flower as well 9 big plants


New Member
Looks great mate, not too many at all nice full canopy. You can take off all the lower branching that is not / will not get much light to increase air flow and avoid all the larf. Get lot of air movement going in there.

High plant counts are the most efficient use of time and space as it cuts veg time down and more top colas.
Other than the auto, is it all the same strain?

If they are the same, you can get as much from 1 plant, as you can 8.
All the same besides auto ( peanut butter breath)


New Member
Looks great mate, not too many at all nice full canopy. You can take off all the lower branching that is not / will not get much light to increase air flow and avoid all the larf. Get lot of air movement going in there.

High plant counts are the most efficient use of time and space as it cuts veg time down and more top colas.
Thank you that’s was the impression I was under going into this grow


New Member
They’re in soil and the plants were pretty small when I flipped to flower( about 18”). My 5x5 is in flower as well 9 big plants
If you flipped at 18” you can expect them to try reaching 50 something inches before finishing. I’d say you’ll run out of space without very proper training or a scrog set up