is this to much fert?


can anyne help?im still new to this n was wondering if this is to much fert or a deficiency?a few other things aswel,the roots that apear out of the bottom of the pot r browning didnt no if thats jus because of the air or what??. an also a few discolourings in the leaves.i need all the advise u can .peace out



it seems to be. i may be wrong though. i'm PERFECT at seeing burn. may be a def in one of them too.not 100% sure


bud bootlegger
that looks like somekind of defiency.. nute burn looks like, well, burn... not trying to be a smartsas.. but nute burn usually makes the leaves looking a lil cryspy, what you have looks different..
i am not the best to diagnose what def, it is, but take a look at the def thread, and try to compare your pix to the pix that they have for each def..


got two strains on the go, in the same tank. trainwreck n white rhino,,jus leeched them,im using canna aqua vega unsure bout it?i watering five/six times a day for bout 15 mins is that to much/to little dnt do if that could b the cause,im mixing the nute how it says on the tin,