is this the middle ages?

Same species? Mostly.

Some people carry Neanderthal dna and some do not.
You can pretty much tell who has this gene. Val92Met is the gene that restricts the making and production of melanin. It is also the gene found in your Neanderthals mostly found in your Europeans and Asians. Not in your Sub-Saharan Africa
I only read the first paragraph. Anarchy also means "a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority" which in this day and time would be nothing but chaos. Why is it so difficult for you to keep a conversation honest ?

As usual, you didn't listen sir. Check the etymology of the word. It means "no rulers" or something akin to that. The meaning you've come up with isn't the origin of the word, it's the present reconfigured meaning given to it to scare people like you into worshipping master and his rules lest "anarchy" break out.

By the way, I self identify more as a voluntarist, than an "anarchist", when I'm not a Sasqui.
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You can pretty much tell who has this gene. Val92Met is the gene that restricts the making and production of melanin. It is also the gene found in your Neanderthals mostly found in your Europeans and Asians. Not in your Sub-Saharan Africa


Hominid evolution is fascinating, but I'm digressing.
As usual, you didn't listen sir. Check the etymology of the word. It means "no rulers" or something akin to that. The meaning you've come up with isn't the origin of the word, it's the present re reconfigured meaning given to it to scare people like you into worshipping master and his rules lest "anarchy" break out.

By the way, I self identify more as a voluntarist, than an "anarchist", when I'm not a Sasqui.
As usual, you didn't listen sir. Check the etymology of the word. It means "no rulers" or something akin to that. The meaning you've come up with isn't the origin of the word, it's the present reconfigured meaning given to it to scare people like you into worshipping master and his rules lest "anarchy" break out.

By the way, I self identify more as a voluntarist, than an "anarchist", when I'm not a Sasqui.
well that's English for ya. Words can have more than one meaning. My meaning is the one of chaos.
Do you think people will magically get along with no rule or law. .Dude you need to seek reality

Hominid evolution is fascinating, but I'm digressing.
If we could only get you to stop thinking you are a Sasquatch. You are just one hairy motherfucker. Hmmm you might be Neanderthal. Where are your ancestors originally from ? Do you sometimes have an urge to hide in a cave ?
FDR was lying, but that's what maniacal wanna be dictators and internet stooges do, stooge.

FDR stole gold from people.

FDR put Japanese American citizen in prison camps without due process

FDR tried to stack the Supreme court
You haven’t said one bad word about trumps concentration camps for kids though

But only because you’re a fucking neo nazi
well that's English for ya. Words can have more than one meaning. My meaning is the one of chaos.
Do you think people will magically get along with no rule or law. .Dude you need to seek reality

Except, your assumptions are in error, as usual.

Self rule is not "no rule". In fact it's the only way to achieve equality and peace. That's demonstrably true btw.

If another person rules you, you aren't being treated as an equal. You can't refute that, nor will you try.

If another person(s) is ruling you, the fact that you are being "ruled" rather than in a state of equal co-existence demonstrates that the situation isn't peaceful. It means a threat for noncompliance with the ruler(s) is involved. Threats like that against neutral people, are a form of offensive force, thus, not peaceful.

If there is no threat, then it isn't a ruler, it is a voluntary interaction where a person has the option of disengaging or following a leader versus a ruler(s). Try and refute that, after you've read it a couple times of course, since the concept may be so simple it's foreign to you.

Do I think people will magically get along without rulers? Loaded question. There will always be assholes, but without a mechanism like "government" to inflate the damage an asshole's edict can do, it will be less. Rulers often are not held personally responsible for their acts of aggression against other people as "the system" exempts them from things which would be bad if you or I did it. You won't be able to refute that either.

I am the only one in the conversation willing to, and apparently capable of addressing reality. You've confused what you were born into, today's version of "normal", as the way things should be, simply because you can't conceive of any other thing but the existing plantation.

You rail on about "equal rights" , but when I prove to you, that what you think is "equal rights" is in fact a revocable privilege granted by rulers to some slaves to force other slaves to serve them, you start talking about trash rather than use math to prove me wrong. Then the gang of hyenas come in knuckle walking and drooling demonstrating their best arguments via distraction and innuendo. Which of course aren't arguments at all, simply manifestations of their inadequacies to form a coherent thought.

So, how you coming on answering my questions?
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You haven’t said one bad word about trumps concentration camps for kids though

But only because you’re a fucking neo nazi

Not a fan of Trump.

You live in a giant concentration camp, with internet and corn syrup as your velvet handcuffs, slave.
If we could only get you to stop thinking you are a Sasquatch. You are just one hairy motherfucker. Hmmm you might be Neanderthal. Where are your ancestors originally from ? Do you sometimes have an urge to hide in a cave ?

Please don't get all Homo Erectus, when you start thinking about my hairy parts.

My ancestors, like yours, if you go back far enough, came from another planet. We're all star dust.
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Except, your assumptions are in error, as usual.

Self rule is not "no rule". In fact it's the only way to achieve equality and peace. That's demonstrably true btw.

If another person rules you, you aren't being treated as an equal. You can't refute that, nor will you try.

If another person(s) is ruling you, the fact that you are being "ruled" rather than in a state of equal co-existence demonstrates that the situation isn't peaceful. It means a threat for noncompliance with the ruler(s) is involved. Threats like that against neutral people, are a form of offensive force, thus, not peaceful.

If there is no threat, then it isn't a ruler, it is a voluntary interaction where a person has the option of disengaging or following a leader versus a ruler(s). Try and refute that, after you've read it a couple times of course, since the concept may be so simple it's foreign to you.

Do I think people will magically get along without rulers? Loaded question. There will always be assholes, but without a mechanism like "government" to inflate the damage an asshole's edict can do, it will be less. Rulers often are not held personally responsible for their acts of aggression against other people as "the system" exempts them from things which would be bad if you or I did it. You won't be able to refute that either.

I am the only one in the conversation willing to, and apparently capable of addressing reality. You've confused what you were born into, today's version of "normal", as the way things should be, simply because you can't conceive of any other thing but the existing plantation.

You rail on about "equal rights" , but when I prove to you, that what you think is "equal rights" is in fact a revocable privilege granted by rulers to some slaves to force other slaves to serve them, you start talking about trash rather than use math to prove me wrong. Then the gang of hyenas come in knuckle walking and drooling demonstrating their best arguments via distraction and innuendo. Which of course aren't arguments at all, simply manifestations of their inadequacies to form a coherent thought.

So, how you coming on answering my questions?
because you have a bad habit of writing a lot ofnothing and have no understanding of the word condense, I only read the first two sentences. I have demonstrated how fuck up the English language is because words can have more than one meaning. Another example would be it a folder or a metal rasping tool ?
Here we are again with a word like anarchy. Let us take the time and look up said word and post ALL the definitions.

  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
    "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"
    lawlessness · absence of government · nihilism · mobocracy · revolution · insurrection · riot · rebellion · mutiny · disorder · disorganization · misrule · chaos · tumult ·
    • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
I guess now you argue the dictionary ?

maybe being angry at things that should make you angry isn't a bad thing
I just finished reading this article. It's a good one.

Yep, your anger at just about everything did come to my mind. Your violent fantasies are described almost perfectly in section IV: The Revenge Impulse. Though it did make a case for the positive outcome that normal every day anger can produce, the article pretty much did not say that long-term, undirected and uncontrolled rage is a good thing. Pretty much the opposite.

They also referred to the moral indignation that I use to motivate me to get out and block violent fascists. The difference is, I have no desire to take revenge, I just want stop them from marching in our streets and project fear into our population. I don't want a single black, brown or jewish child to ever feel the fear that earlier generations felt when the KKK marched. I do think that Proud Boys and others like them suffer from the Revenge Impulse. The next time I see them across a police cordon, I'll have a bit more understanding of what is driving them.

There is a lot of depth in that article. I think I'll print it out and spend some time re-reading it over a cup of coffee.