Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
How do you politely request blacks to not enter a public establishment.
I'm a black guy. I was told that if I wanted to build my business in a certain location I would have to pay for the sewer line from building to second main larger line. I really don't think they made me do it because I'm black but anyhoot.
I did it because it was part of regulation to assure certain flow of sewage was assured. I would have loved to have saved that money, but it would have fucked the sewage line the fuck up. Whole lot of things I was forced to do ( did I tell you I was black), but I did it because it assured a safe business would be ran without harming.
Okay. I'll try to make some sense of your fascinating septic story.
It actually bolsters my argument, that consent of both parties should be a requisite when human interactions take place. Thank you.
Since you wanted to use something, you paid the ostensible "owners" of that something to be able to use it. Presumably you and the "owners" * made a mutual and voluntary arrangement to use the sewer line, right?
* I used the word owners (government) in terms you might be able to understand, not that I agree with the idea, but for purposes of remaining consistent with your example/story. I question that there can be such a thing as "pubic property", since it is an oxymoron.