Is this SOUR DEISEL? please help


Active Member
well this is an update to my journal but i wanted to post pics of my grow room and plants and show you guys my proccess and i needed help identifying my plants but one of them seems to have a tiny odor of sour d which makes me so happy. Its bag seed but my friend said it was found in a sour bag which has never happend to us. what chances of it that it is female what should i do next. Here is the one that smells like sour.CIMG1229.jpg.. well im not exactly sure what you guys consider sour deisel compared to what i would in my town. Ours just has that skunk smell to it so its much be some kind of skunk plant im guessing. this is what is believed to be piff(bud) idk what you call it... CIMG1230.jpg and my hydro plants CIMG1232.jpg and this is my grow room at whole CIMG1216.jpg


Well-Known Member
if you found it bag seed then it is probably a cross of that and something else or it is a result of a hermie in which it will be the true genetics but you got a risk of hermie genetics, oh by the way nice tits, i hope daisy your cell mate likes them too, hate to be crude but dont be dumb brotha


Well-Known Member

they look good.
not sure why pacman is hatin. you dont look like you have tits to me....just an observation. maybe its his inner insecurites!


Active Member
haha hes right though just tryed thinking of this as myspace for weed... i wish ... but yea it was stupid of putting that username picture haha... thanks for the heads up and thanks for the backup supergirl ;) but yea if its a hermi what good will that do ... and if i have males can i seed them and hope for a female? idk this is my first grow


Well-Known Member
they probably wont be hermies, and sorry bout the "hatin" before but if u knew me ud know thats how i show my love, and if you get a male and female you could make seeds but cloning is probably a better way to go for you, since it wouldn't require space and attention for males. and i am jealous of yo tits, hold on i gotta clean the grease oozin out under my saggy moobs. ill be back. good luck brotha. and isn't sour d one of the most pleasant of smokes.


Active Member
i love sour deisel... the smell got my freinds busted plenty of times though . I got pulled over one time, my guy was in the passenger seat and the cop smelled(2 dime bags) it and arrested him on the spot. Luckily nothing was in my car or on my persons so nothing happend to me. ( i was shitting bricks) the aroma travels.. but the high is so much different than regular bud i cant explain except that im dazed for half the day... thanks for the input


Well-Known Member
grow fat buds for my and your sake, for the d. i got this lemon diesel right now, ergleerglereerlger (the noise i make after i smoke it)