Is this something to be alarmed about or I'm overreacting again?

OK I watered today, waited for it to drain and took measurements. The PH level was/is 7.2 is that too high? Should I use distilled water in future or should I just flush now?
What's concerning me is also that the leaves are yellowing, at least under the HPS light, they look light green under normal room light.



Well-Known Member
I am using this pH meter:
and here are some calibration solutions. Not sure what brand you have - Hanna I think wants to calibrate to a 4.01 or a 7.01 solution, while others are fine with a 4.00 and 7.00. I used the 7.01 for my meter above, which wants to calibrate to 7.00. However, I am not *that* worried if my readings are off by 1/100th.