Is this showing sex? Ak Ice, 6th week of veg, under 260 watt cfls

Ok so is this showing signs of sex? Its under 260 watts of 6500k cfls and is in ocean forest with fox farm nutes. And its supposed to be feminized Alaska Ice. Oh and its been under 18-6 since day one, will be switching to 12/12 in a few days.




Active Member
Ok so is this showing signs of sex? Its under 260 watts of 6500k cfls and is in ocean forest with fox farm nutes. And its supposed to be feminized Alaska Ice. Oh and its been under 18-6 since day one, will be switching to 12/12 in a few days.

its a female mate. congratulations its a girl :clap:


Well-Known Member
I was gonna order some ice. Congratz on the baby girl:) U should make this a journal. Id subscribe to see how she turns out.


Well-Known Member
my cheese plant just did the same thing. At week 6 i topped the main and 2 days later it grew white hairs. I didn't have feminized seeds so it saved me from the whole cloning and budding to find the sex process. So i got my mother plant a month earlier then expected. I love when that happens!