Is this seed ready for soil


Well-Known Member
These are older seeds and I didn't want to put soil in a heap of pots and have them not sprout so I wanted to check for germination before using the soil and light space
Yeah I feel u ..was just messing around.

Wouldn't give up too early - I've heard of guys having seeds pop after ridiculously long times. I'm 2 impatient for all tht tho
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Well-Known Member
just a word of advice, I like using those jiffy saucers, its a little disk of soil that expands to a nice little 3 inch clump of soil inside a netting. what I do is put a couple seeds in each and wait until the babies are a few inches tall, then i open up the disk and separate the babies for replanting, this just lowers the risk of damaging a fresh seedling as it gives them a chance to develop prior to handling.

it also will help with impatience. and if you just put one in each then all you need to do is cut off the netting and replant the whole clump, or like what I'm known for, placing the clump in clay balls and growing multiple plants in a single DWC bucket. never had bad results like that.


Well-Known Member
I love jiffys but I wouldn't put any more than 1in each jiffy defies the purpose imo and I keep the mesh on them as that's wot the manufacturer recs.I did think about removing them but I found out the roots can penetrate it easy enuff.


Well-Known Member
I would put the bean back in the paper towel matrix for another 24-48 hours. Be sure to re-wet it before you seal her back up. In one day you will have a 1/2 to 1 inch "tail" and 1-2 inches after another 48 hours. I wait until the seedcap is about to fall off then I remove the 'cap with 2 toothpicks. With a nice long tail I can punch a hole in the dirt just as deep as my bean is long. Set the seedling in the hole at the depth so that the top leaves are at dirt level. Pinch the dirt around the tail and gently sprinkle just a bit of dirt to kinda cover the leaves. BigSteve.