Is this rotten/moldy bud?

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section...

I just copped the weirdest smelling stuff I have ever had. It smells sort of like haze, but when you really stick your nose in the bag you get a whiff of this sort of cheese smell. Remember the weirdo from school that everyone said smelled like cheese? That's the smell this bud reminded me of. It looks good, with lots of crystals and dense buds, and some of the flower petals (I assume that's what it is) are purple, probably frostbitten. It was also quite moist at first, making it difficult to break up and to ignite.

My only concern is that it may be moldy, due to the smell and some patches of white/yellowish white on the buds where it appears the leaves have lost color. I tried smoking some out of a bong and hey, it definitely got me high, but I still want to be cautious. I think the dealer said it was Purple Crush, but I doubt that's what it's really called. Check out the full size pics below and lemme know what you think:


Well-Known Member
if not mold, it looks like a bug might have made a meal out of one of those axillary buds! Looks very moist still on the inside, i would say it looks like someone dipped it in water but the crystal formation is very nice. Though, water does not effect trichomes too much because they are in part a water defense mechanism for the plant.(can't cite myself on the information, though)


Active Member
idk bro, i cant tell from ur pix..

if its mold, it usly just like ripes from the bud real easy, n is fuzzy..
idk if thats much help.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Either way that shit won't kill you unless your lungs fuck up a lot. Smoke that shit, or at least pick around the mold and smoke that... but definitely don't throw the whole thing out...

Or if you're really afraid of the mold hurting you, use that nug to make some edibles... if there's enough there to get ya high...

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Thanks for replies, I tried the bud and it definitely gets me high, but it is a bit harsh and tastes like crap. If it's not moldy or otherwise spoiled then it was at least cured poorly or not at all. I do feel a little tired now, but that's probably from going to bed at 9AM yesterday and waking up in the evening after it was already dark. Ya never feel the same after that shit ahaha.. my traps and other upper back muscles are mad tight too.
Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section...

I just copped the weirdest smelling stuff I have ever had. It smells sort of like haze, but when you really stick your nose in the bag you get a whiff of this sort of cheese smell. Remember the weirdo from school that everyone said smelled like cheese? That's the smell this bud reminded me of. It looks good, with lots of crystals and dense buds, and some of the flower petals (I assume that's what it is) are purple, probably frostbitten. It was also quite moist at first, making it difficult to break up and to ignite.

My only concern is that it may be moldy, due to the smell and some patches of white/yellowish white on the buds where it appears the leaves have lost color. I tried smoking some out of a bong and hey, it definitely got me high, but I still want to be cautious. I think the dealer said it was Purple Crush, but I doubt that's what it's really called. Check out the full size pics below and lemme know what you think:

next time dont even worry about if its moldy or not just give me the weed and ill take it from there :weed: