Is this root rot? If not what? Please help


New Member
Hi all,

I'm a hobbiest growing one plant (details below) with a very basic set-up and am close to harvest, but am a bit worried as there are now some leaves on the top cola which are beginning to dry and curl up (Picture #4). Having read a lot, I fear it could be root rot.

Lower down on the plant over the past weeks some of those leaves have yellowed and completely dried (#5), which I hear isn’t completely uncommon, but now seeing leaves further up/mid-plant start to turn (#6) and in such a way as pictured, I’m wondering what to do.

I also include a picture of the pot which has developed some character on the lower portion (#2). I think that I could have let the pot drain better and the bottom of the pot was often moist when the topsoil was dry and ready for another watering, so perhaps it almost never dried out…

If it is root rot, what can I do this late with soil?
Is it something else?

I realize that I’ve made other mistakes and the leaves have never been as dark green as they should have been, with some other symptoms showing (#7)

Many thanks in advance for your insight and advice!

The basic info:


Auto (Royal Creamatic),

Soil (BioBiz All Mix),

late flowering- 7 weeks into flowering, 12 weeks old total,

using a few somewhat weak LED lights and have only BioBizz Grow/Bloom

1.5L/2 days appx



Well-Known Member
I doubt root rot is your issue; your plant looks good enough...not perfect, but not bad. An auto, 7 weeks in...I wouldn't bother her. Finish her out and enjoy what you harvest. Good luck.