Is this right!!


Active Member
right this is my first grow and i got some seeds of a mate (no idea what sort of cannibis plant they they are) started them off in a paper towel then potted them up 1 and a half days later, they are into there 8th day and are 6 inches tall i am useing clf light bulbs (6 of) and i am thinking of putting a 6 inch fan on them (would i be right to do this at this early stage) any one help out and a few tips would be welcome oh i have just started to feed them a bit of baby bio (is this right or wrong)


Active Member
well move your cfl's closer to your plants, like 1-3 inches away.
then youll get less stretch and more branching


Well-Known Member
ya 1-3inches for CFL's and nou can introduce a LIGHT breeze to seedlings ..infact it will strengthen the plant so as it ages it will become hearty and be able to support the buds she makes hehe ;)


Active Member
I started with fans 5 days after they sprouted and all look great, but my tallest is only about 2.5 inches tall. Each plant has one 105W 6400k CFL at about 3 inches above plant.


Active Member
thanks all.
the lights are 1 inche from the plants, they are 20watts (i think thats about 100watts in a normal bulb) not sure how many lumens they are though, just added four more lights so that makes ten now, and placed the 6 inch fan on slow speed about 3 foot from the plants?????
fed them a small amount of baby bio twice now (should i be doing this so early on??) will keep you posted on progress oh altogether there is 18 seedlings around six inch high with a 6 inch fan temp at a steady 78 degrees f,
any tips to keep them going will be welcome