Jack Harer
Well-Known Member
This is a real sign in Rock Springs, Georgia
That being said, I feel better now.
As long as we (the PEOPLE) are relegated to non violent means of protest, we are merely gadflies to the political machine. There is too much fear of reprisal, and a huge lack of cohesiveness (that the government relies on) keeping MJ users from uniting into any kind of formidable voting bloc. These petitions, although granted they ARE getting some attention, are merely designed to give the sheeple a warm fuzzy, creating the illusion that the Government will listen to the will of the people, and that we actually count for something. The fact is that an appointment to Washington is tantamount to a means to further personal wealth. Any idealist who actually acts in the interest if his/her constituency, and tries to significantly alter the status quo, gets nowhere fast. They either adapt or their political career dies. The issue of whether or not MJ is a danger to the people, or whether or not is has any medical value is immaterial. The fact is that there is MORE money being made by those who run the government due the illegal status then they would be able to line their pockets with if it were legal. It's all about the Benjamins. Until we can financially compete with the Big Pharm lobby and the like, it will always be illegal on the federal level. Not to say that we should just lay down and let the jack-booted thugs run roughshod over us, we should NOT go quietly into the night.................

That being said, I feel better now.
I would support that in a heartbeat, But as you know, as bad as we thought Sonny Perdue was, Nathan Deal is worse. I see veto on it even if they give the states the option. But lets TRY anyway.aS I have a 100cubic cm space in my head, Ernst would you draft a petition for ________ state for the legalization for growing Marijuana for personal use 100 sq feet or 100 plants. Tax state tax stamp to transport across state lines. Growers state permit like concealed carry permit. (Might just include gun permit, tax TIN, WITH Grow permit 1 stop shopping?) I will post it to Obama's Whitehouse.gov for Georgia as that is my state. Don (wh.gov already has my name stand up and be counted!)
http://wh.gov/4e8 http://wh.gov/4ed
How does one join said union as a grower in an illegal state?i heard alot of growers joining the union they have political power not as much as they use to but they still have power.
As long as we (the PEOPLE) are relegated to non violent means of protest, we are merely gadflies to the political machine. There is too much fear of reprisal, and a huge lack of cohesiveness (that the government relies on) keeping MJ users from uniting into any kind of formidable voting bloc. These petitions, although granted they ARE getting some attention, are merely designed to give the sheeple a warm fuzzy, creating the illusion that the Government will listen to the will of the people, and that we actually count for something. The fact is that an appointment to Washington is tantamount to a means to further personal wealth. Any idealist who actually acts in the interest if his/her constituency, and tries to significantly alter the status quo, gets nowhere fast. They either adapt or their political career dies. The issue of whether or not MJ is a danger to the people, or whether or not is has any medical value is immaterial. The fact is that there is MORE money being made by those who run the government due the illegal status then they would be able to line their pockets with if it were legal. It's all about the Benjamins. Until we can financially compete with the Big Pharm lobby and the like, it will always be illegal on the federal level. Not to say that we should just lay down and let the jack-booted thugs run roughshod over us, we should NOT go quietly into the night.................