• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Is This Really Happening?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
This is a real sign in Rock Springs, Georgia

That being said, I feel better now.

aS I have a 100cubic cm space in my head, Ernst would you draft a petition for ________ state for the legalization for growing Marijuana for personal use 100 sq feet or 100 plants. Tax state tax stamp to transport across state lines. Growers state permit like concealed carry permit. (Might just include gun permit, tax TIN, WITH Grow permit 1 stop shopping?) I will post it to Obama's Whitehouse.gov for Georgia as that is my state. Don (wh.gov already has my name stand up and be counted!)
http://wh.gov/4e8 http://wh.gov/4ed
I would support that in a heartbeat, But as you know, as bad as we thought Sonny Perdue was, Nathan Deal is worse. I see veto on it even if they give the states the option. But lets TRY anyway.

i heard alot of growers joining the union they have political power not as much as they use to but they still have power.
How does one join said union as a grower in an illegal state?

As long as we (the PEOPLE) are relegated to non violent means of protest, we are merely gadflies to the political machine. There is too much fear of reprisal, and a huge lack of cohesiveness (that the government relies on) keeping MJ users from uniting into any kind of formidable voting bloc. These petitions, although granted they ARE getting some attention, are merely designed to give the sheeple a warm fuzzy, creating the illusion that the Government will listen to the will of the people, and that we actually count for something. The fact is that an appointment to Washington is tantamount to a means to further personal wealth. Any idealist who actually acts in the interest if his/her constituency, and tries to significantly alter the status quo, gets nowhere fast. They either adapt or their political career dies. The issue of whether or not MJ is a danger to the people, or whether or not is has any medical value is immaterial. The fact is that there is MORE money being made by those who run the government due the illegal status then they would be able to line their pockets with if it were legal. It's all about the Benjamins. Until we can financially compete with the Big Pharm lobby and the like, it will always be illegal on the federal level. Not to say that we should just lay down and let the jack-booted thugs run roughshod over us, we should NOT go quietly into the night.................


Well-Known Member
Ernst I see you on every post I post on. Lol. I understand there are bills we can help sign and such but there has to be someone on this forum who has access to the inside. I'm just suggesting a lawyer or someone high up get some statements out. Even if we can get a reporter to ask Obama whats going on with the DEA.

Talking is a good start but we need an action plan against these highway men. Violence isn't an answer, we would need something diplomatic.
I'm good at reading the news and posting.
I did work the California Cannabis Initiative in 2008-2009 as my county Capitan.

So I am an ordinary man who is willing to do more. I don't have access to anyone higher up.
The Guys who sponsored CCI posted they are still looking to further business, Cannabis Agriculture for example, where I champion Cannabis Horticulture for citizens.


Well-Known Member
This is a real sign in Rock Springs, Georgia

That being said, I feel better now.

I would support that in a heartbeat, But as you know, as bad as we thought Sonny Perdue was, Nathan Deal is worse. I see veto on it even if they give the states the option. But lets TRY anyway.

How does one join said union as a grower in an illegal state?

As long as we (the PEOPLE) are relegated to non violent means of protest, we are merely gadflies to the political machine. There is too much fear of reprisal, and a huge lack of cohesiveness (that the government relies on) keeping MJ users from uniting into any kind of formidable voting bloc. These petitions, although granted they ARE getting some attention, are merely designed to give the sheeple a warm fuzzy, creating the illusion that the Government will listen to the will of the people, and that we actually count for something. The fact is that an appointment to Washington is tantamount to a means to further personal wealth. Any idealist who actually acts in the interest if his/her constituency, and tries to significantly alter the status quo, gets nowhere fast. They either adapt or their political career dies. The issue of whether or not MJ is a danger to the people, or whether or not is has any medical value is immaterial. The fact is that there is MORE money being made by those who run the government due the illegal status then they would be able to line their pockets with if it were legal. It's all about the Benjamins. Until we can financially compete with the Big Pharm lobby and the like, it will always be illegal on the federal level. Not to say that we should just lay down and let the jack-booted thugs run roughshod over us, we should NOT go quietly into the night.................

It's the We part I always see fade.
Most of the Cannabis people I know would rather hide than come out of the Cannabis Closet and protest. People want the best of both worlds. To be free and to be safe while getting that freedom.

It's human nature.

I was thinking that giving California voters a simpler choice, like prop 215 did, would pass.

What will work in other States I cannot say.


Well-Known Member
They are only closing ones involved in profiteering which under the law is illegal. Not closing all of them anyone actually read the article?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Maybe the Union or the Co-ops can use the info I posted in the politics section. Here is a re-post:

This is a re-post of one I made in another thread, but I wanted to make sure that more people read this. I got to thinking about the legalization issue, the governments position, and was reminded of another very similar situation I was personally involved in. Here it is:

I see no logical reason why Washington has the right to rule any substance illegal for use unless it can be definitively PROVEN to be addictive, thus enabling an addicted person to become a burden to the State. The burden of PROOF of an addictive nature is on the government. We need to be able to get a recognised group or organization to challenge the DEA and the governments position. It CAN be done. Bear with me and I'll show the relevance of the following:

I belonged to a group of High Powered Rocketry enthusiasts called Tripoli Rocketry Org, closely affiliated with the National Rocketry Assn. You've no doubt seen us on the Discovery Channel, STILL enjoying our hobby today. But after 9/11, that was called seriously into question because the newly re-organised BATFE (Formerly the BATF) had placed our primary propellant on the List of Explosive Materials, thus prohibiting the possession of APCP (ammonium perchlorate rocket propellant), and effectively eliminating our ability to launch. We were all scrambling and crying the blues about it, and finally decided that we needed to get together With NAR, and fight this, because APCP is NOT an explosive as defined by the BATFE. The Clubs got together, and out of the membership dues, hired attorneys to fight. Now Tripoli has fewer than 6000 active members, and the NAR has around 30,000 at any given time. A pretty small group. After a 9 year battle, we prevailed, and had APCP removed from the list of controlled Explosives, and we continue to fly.
My logic here is that a very small group of people forced a federal agency to prove it's position in court, and won. The detailed chronology of the case can be found here: http://tripoli.org/News/Internal/BAT...3/Default.aspx
How we can unite, or who should spearhead it, and where the money would come from I have no idea, I just wanted you to know about this landmark case, and maybe take some hope. We could have done what the MJ community is doing and just grouse about our plight, but we took action.
Hopefully, someone who is in a position to implement something like this will read it and get inspired.


PS Obama has demanded that the governments position be a scientific one in this press release:



Well-Known Member
They are only closing ones involved in profiteering which under the law is illegal. Not closing all of them anyone actually read the article?

Are they? I cannot find information as to just who and how many.
I did read that 8 closed in the Sacramento area as well as an update from RMLW that Sacramento has stopped advancement of dispensary rules.

Please post any news supporting this one way or the other.

As I see it even medical patients may find themselves being evicted by frightened land lords.

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
They are only closing ones involved in profiteering which under the law is illegal. Not closing all of them anyone actually read the article?
What people will say and what people will actually do are 2 completely different things.
The Feds are shutting down more then the profiteers, more then the ones in questionable zoning locations.
They're trying to shut it all down, and the exact same thing is happening in Canada right now too.
Hey, there's a coincidence, both country's doing very similar activities at the same time.
Oh wait, it's not a coincidence, they're trying to clear out the competition before they reschedule cannabis.
They only want cannabis to be available through your local pharmacy, in the way of Sativex or Marinol.
Even though cannabis will get rescheduled, they will keep it illegal for home production because they want
your money going to the insurance companies and big pharma.
Despite our governments BS stance that cannabis has no medicinal value, Sativex is now in stage 3b of testing with the FDA.
3b is the last stage of testing before approval to release the drug into the public marketplace.

Just like W. Bush made it possible for the oil companies to profit heavily via the war in Iraq, Obama is doing the same thing now for insurance companies/big pharma via the war on drugs.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
We need to state who We are and not be Anon amouse. Mice do not vote: while your at it vote on the two petitions I started after signing all the pro marijuana petitions, http://wh.gov/4e8, http://wh.gov/4ed In GOD WE TRUST! All others pay Cash!
Leave the pledge of allegiance alone. There are too many things that need attention now.

The pledge of allegiance was a traditional part of the start of the school day for a long time. How many pushed to have it removed? I believe it should be reinstated and with the words One Nation under God. This nation was founded on the precepts of religious freedom and the pledge of allegiance is not advocating a religion, But unity in the class room.
Leave "In God We Trust." the motto of the United States of America

Leave the motto of the United States of America "In God We Trust." In 1956, the United States adopted a motto, "In God We Trust." In a time of national healing for a country founded on religious freedom "In God We Trust." does not point to any individual religion but the Freedom of personal belief. Focus on more productive areas we all have our personal beliefs.
petitions are all good and stuff, but legally they do absolutely nothing. The writing is on the wall and the message is far from subtle. The federal government has already made it clear that they don't care what we think. They aren't going to care about some petition either.

Do you know what they do care about? Money. If the dispensaries were to get together and donate to the right campaigns, the feds would start to listen. They aren't going to try and throw people in jail if they are using those people's money to get elected.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Ernst, Not to be an ass, please don't take offence, but exactly what effort is being made here other than signing petitions? This CAN be done, but it's gonna take NORML or some other CREDIBLE organization to fight it, and it's gonna cost money for bloodsuckers, (Ahem) excuse me attorneys. Where would that come from?
The DEA is no different from the BATFE, they're all jack-booted thugs. Obama has issued a memorandum requiring scientific integrity in all decisions by the government, why not force the DEA to defend their positions? They may be able to hold sway in the political arena, but they'd play mortal hell defending their nebulous rationale in a court of law.

*edit* Maybe if they could get together and form a trade association of sorts, the dispensaries and everyone associated in the cannabis trade could pull this off with donations from the420 friendly private sector. I wouold THINK that NORML might have some views on this as well. I don't see them doing much on the front lines, maybe there's more going on behind the scenes.


Well-Known Member
My bad, I'm California Centric.

We here have a couple of initiatives gathering signatures so if any make it we can vote again.

I believe we will still be arguing in 2014 so I'm guessing that unifying is our biggest challenge.

It's just a mater of time and organization.

Pat the stoner

New Member
Ron paul said that he would not use the gov to go after the pot . I used be union so I voted dem a lot , campaigned and all that . Now I just think theyre all full of shit . We all need Cali to keep on leading the way , more power to all of our Californians out there doing the right thing for MJ legalization . Keep up the good work . I been living with this pot oppression for around 30 years , and thought for sure these jackasses would have got it right a long time ago . People who dont know shit need to stop trying to make choices for others and stop trying to micromanage peoples lives . Whatever happened to the land of the free ?


New Member
Come on DOWN to Dukes Dispensarie!!!!!3
We got your Medical Marijuana Right here
We got the best stuff

TO get You Ripped!!!!!!!
No Card? Doctor on staff No Problem

Yeah I can see why the Feds are going after "medical" Marijuana Dispensaries


Well-Known Member
the feds are going after the easy mark.... like a fat girl in a bar and i think it is pathetic..why not go after all the so called doctors handing out oxy's and hard drugs in "pain clinics" ..there is an epidemic in this country of pill poppers who are hooked and get dope sick if they have withdrawal from prescribed drugs

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
What's your plan?
We need an organization, a lobby, and a superpac. We need to get pro-cannabis candidates into congress. We need to fight anti-cannabis candidates. Politicians need to know there are going to be consequences to their careers if they keeping fucking with us. For example the Paul-Frank bill that would have ended things like the Montana and now California raids. But that bill has been buried in committee by a congressman in Texas. It wouldn't be that expensive to fund a pro-states right candidate against him in the primaries and maybe unseat the bastard.

If we do stuff like that the feds will think twice about messing with us. That will scare some congressmen into not messing with us. Right now there are no consequences for them if they push through anti-cannabis legislation. If you let them know they could face a well funded challenger in their next election if they do get in our way, they'll be less likely to screw us over. And then we'd get politicians who owe their job to the cannabis lobby and could do things like put the rescheduling of cannabis up for a vote in congress.

That right there will do what 1000000 petitions can not do. We need an organization. We need a lobby. We probably need a PAC or superpac too. That would give us a REAL tool to fight with. A petition can be thrown away. If you make politicians fear for their jobs, they can not ignore us any longer.