Is this ready to chop down


Well-Known Member
a green plant is like picking a green tomato.....
Plants that have a majority of green leaves at harvest are healthy/without deficiencies

if you provide adequate nutrients throughout the grow most of the leaves in direct light should stay healthy and green until harvest, with only a slight light green fade
some will turn pretty colours but this is mostly genetic and temperature dependent

phil k

Well-Known Member
Plants that have a majority of green leaves at harvest are healthy/without deficiencies

if you provide adequate nutrients throughout the grow most of the leaves in direct light should stay healthy and green until harvest, with only a slight light green fade
some will turn pretty colours but this is mostly genetic and temperature dependent
no temperature changes result in magenta leaves..... not yellow... I'm not here to argue man... i know what I'm talking about. to each his own.
yes PLANTS leaves are green at harvest like tomatoes and others... ANY cannabis plant harvested with GREEN fan leaves is harvested too early... ALL FAN LEAVES IN SOME WAY YELLOW AT END FLOWER... some more than others but all FAN LEAVES YELLOW


Well-Known Member
no temperature changes result in magenta leaves..... not yellow... I'm not here to argue man... i know what I'm talking about. to each his own.
yes PLANTS leaves are green at harvest like tomatoes and others... ANY cannabis plant harvested with GREEN fan leaves is harvested too early... ALL FAN LEAVES IN SOME WAY YELLOW AT END FLOWER... some more than others but all FAN LEAVES YELLOW
we shall have to agree to disagree, as they say, your mileage may vary
the leaves on my plants stay green because i supply adequate nutes until harvest
i do not harvest plants early

i do not agree that harvesting plants when all the leaves turn yellow is a good idea, for those that keep their plants healthy they would be
taking their plants way past maturity waiting for all the leaves to turn yellow

i have grown 12 to 16 week sativas that finish mostly green
i have rejuvenated the same plant multiple times keeping the plant green over several months through multiple harvests

phil k

Well-Known Member
we shall have to agree to disagree, as they say, your mileage may vary
the leaves on my plants stay green because i supply adequate nutes until harvest
i do not harvest plants early

i do not agree that harvesting plants when all the leaves turn yellow is a good idea, for those that keep their plants healthy they would be
taking their plants way past maturity waiting for all the leaves to turn yellow

i have grown 12 to 16 week sativas that finish mostly green
i have rejuvenated the same plant multiple times keeping the plant green over several months through multiple harvests

phil k

Well-Known Member
we shall have to agree to disagree, as they say, your mileage may vary
the leaves on my plants stay green because i supply adequate nutes until harvest
i do not harvest plants early

i do not agree that harvesting plants when all the leaves turn yellow is a good idea, for those that keep their plants healthy they would be
taking their plants way past maturity waiting for all the leaves to turn yellow

i have grown 12 to 16 week sativas that finish mostly green
i have rejuvenated the same plant multiple times keeping the plant green over several months through multiple harvests
yeah like i said not here to argue.. but think of what you just said you provide adequate nutrients to the plant until harvest... so when are you flushing? i mean hell if i fed bytes till i harvested i hope it would stay green but in all honesty you couldn't tell me otherwise.. IMOP your harvesting early.. i wish some older growers who have more than 10+ years CONSISTENT growing experice would chime in..

phil k

Well-Known Member
yeah like i said not here to argue.. but think of what you just said you provide adequate nutrients to the plant until harvest... so when are you flushing? i mean hell if i fed nuts till i harvested i hope it would stay green but in all honesty you couldn't tell me otherwise.. IMOP your harvesting early.. i wish some older growers who have more than 10+ years CONSISTENT growing experice would chime in..


Well-Known Member
so when are you flushing?.
Did you really just type that ^^ or am i hallucinating ?

i wish some older growers who have more than 10+ years CONSISTENT growing experice would chime in..
sorry to burst your bubble slightly,
i'm one of the SLIGHTLY older growers lol i have been growing for 20 years,
some here @ RIU have been growing for 40 years + and i am sure most would agree that flushing is unnecessary, unless you have overfed the plants

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Well-Known Member
No one's mentioned checking to see if she's ready with a magnifying glass/loupe....
In my experience she faded right out come the time for harvest, I don't think I've had a "still green" plant ever ("think" ;) )


No one's mentioned checking to see if she's ready with a magnifying glass/loupe....
In my experience she faded right out come the time for harvest, I don't think I've had a "still green" plant ever ("think" ;) )
LOL i like the bambi vid and you happen to be one of the only ppl that has responded to my thread with insightful info and a nice msg LOL
ill try that and will as well use the more yellow look.. thanks .. and now i have to watch bambi Lol

black jesus

Well-Known Member
Well most of my mines is yellowing out now but I don't have any amber yet I guess I will have to wait til my plant is dark brown.....


Well-Known Member
I like a nice heavy indica stoneness, so as much amber as possible for me. By the time I chop they almost look rotten (the plant; not the bud) But that's just my preference :)

black jesus

Well-Known Member
Well i no amber yet so we will see. I'm at week 7 everyone says it takes 9 but I don't thinks they will make it