Is this ready? Leafs turning yellow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

my plants are starting to turn yellow and sorta... go a bit darker at the places there still green and crispy aswell, does this mean the plant is nearly ready? (I've added a pic, last one)

I'm looking for a nice head high on this plant.. all trichs are milky with patches of orange

I've also added a close up shot, dunno if its from this plant but i just wanted to know if that is what we call 'milky' ?
Hey guys,

my plants are starting to turn yellow and sorta... go a bit darker at the places there still green and crispy aswell, does this mean the plant is nearly ready? (I've added a pic, last one)

I'm looking for a nice head high on this plant.. all trichs are milky with patches of orange

I've also added a close up shot, dunno if its from this plant but i just wanted to know if that is what we call 'milky' ?

looks like 2 more weeks to go? how long have they been flowering?

for a more head high you do want to chop early, but I would still wait a bit
been flowering for around 8 weeks 2 days ish.. around that,

I might be having to chop them early but im trying to post-pone it as much as i can (getting kicked out by girlfriend... :P). But i wanted to know, if i was to cut them in say.. another week, would they be worth smoking or?
when your tricombs are milky white its a light buz when they turn amber its a more narcotic buzz i chop mine at 30% milky white and 70% amber hope this help
Man Kick your girlfriend out! Tell her you got a new bitch and she gonna take care of you in a couple weeks....(just messin around) Could you move your plants where ever you go? i think it might be worth the wait to let it mature.
looks like they r burned to me your leaves shouldn't really be crunchy that's a bad sign.

I exhagurated on the crispy bit :P

And, if im looking for the mostly head mix, but at the same time if i smoke a gram or two im gonna be stuck down feel, so i know i'm stoned yu get me? Wot sorta % shud that be?

Also, is there anyway i can speed this up? I dont wanna get kicked out my missus place and end up with nothing after 3 months :P Would 11/13 help at all?
Man Kick your girlfriend out! Tell her you got a new bitch and she gonna take care of you in a couple weeks....(just messin around) Could you move your plants where ever you go? i think it might be worth the wait to let it mature.

i wish mate, but with my current circumstances i think i gotta move back in with my ma for a week or two, real kick in the teeth i know but i cant take my plants there :P

i unno, hopefully we'll work things out but fuck me this shit is getting tedious with her :P We'll see...

How much longer then? 2-3 weeks...:cry:
yes but i can easily hide a cure in a cupboard or under a bed, you try hiding these plants under a bed lol.
Yu get me?

Some glass jars will fit in my backpack, 6 fuckin plants wont! :P
so it will still do something right?
Cus i mean if i get kicked out, a) I dont want to leave them behind for my girlfriend to take and sell on and make a load of cash from my hard work
b) I wanna have some smoke to keep this nig boilin ova, share some with the boys etc
If you have to cut them in a week, they'll still get you pretty damn high. I cut some of my Crystal off recently, at a hair over 7 weeks, and it got me wasted. The trichs were mostly cloudy, no amber ones, and a handful of clear ones. I even dried it in the microwave, and it still kicked-ass and lasted a long time. Of course, that's not the right way to do it, but what I'm saying is that it'll still catch you a sweet buzz as long as it's a nice potent strain. The early harvest will give you more of an uplifting 'head high' that you're looking for, so you should be happy with it in 7 days or so. Chop off a nice bud and nuke it for a few secs,(like 8-9 secs at a time) and that'll give you a pretty good idea of what you have ATM.
they got about two weeks. but it looks like that one leaf you are holding is exibiting magnesium deficiency.....that must be bag seed? because it doesnt look very frosty :( but that doesnt neccesarily mean anything.
so it will still do something right?
Cus i mean if i get kicked out, a) I dont want to leave them behind for my girlfriend to take and sell on and make a load of cash from my hard work
b) I wanna have some smoke to keep this nig boilin ova, share some with the boys etc

Yes it will do something. Hell, you could dry and smoke some of your leaves right now and they would do something (besides maybe give you a headache later).

People chop plants down early all the time, hence the term "premy bud." (not to be confused with premo).

The stuff will still do what its supposed, just not as good as it would have if it was to be grown for the proper amount of time.

So to make a long post pointless in one sentence:

Quit tripping, if you gotta cut them it won't be that big of a deal.
You can cut them now if you REALLY have to. But I would wait at least another week. Just tell that chicky to keep her hands off and try to check on them daily so she doesn't do anything.

Fuck it, just move in with me so I can kick out my boyfriend, then you can bring your plants and put them under my lights for the next 2 weeks :lol: j/k