The term "whorled phyllotaxy" literally means:
Whorled: Arranged AROUND the stem (as opposed to on top of it, or either side of it)
phyllotaxy: The scientific name for "arrangement of leaves on a stem"
This just means the leaves grow in a circular pattern around the stem.
The term polyploid means more than one leaf per node. so technically you have a cannabis plant displaying classic triploid trait, manifesting in a whorled phyllotaxy. (a plant with 3 leaf sets per node, where the leaf sets are arranged AROUND the stem)
When nodes alternate (branches arent growing 2 at a time evenly anymore, one branch grows then internode then a branch on the other side grows) - This is then called ALTERNATE plyllotaxy. Marijuana by DEFAULT is "OPPOSITE" phyllotaxy.
Seed treatment is the most effective and safest way to apply colchicine. * In this way, the entire plant growing from a colchicine-treated seed could be polyploid and if any colchicine exists at the end of the growing season the amount would be infinitesimal. Colchicine is nearly always lethal to Cannabis seeds, and in the treatment there is a very fine line between polyploidy and death. In other words, if 100 viable seeds are treated with colchicine and 40 of them germinate it is unlikely that the treatment induced polyploidy in any of the survivors. On the other hand, if 1,000 viable treated seeds give rise to 3 seedlings, the chances are better that they are polyploid since the treatment killed all of the seeds but those three.
^^anyone that cant wrap their head around natural selection thats a perfect example. "only the strongest survive" all the seeds will die except those seeds that adapt to the chemical. Those that adapt are genetically different yes, but their genetic difference caused them to survive where the rest died. Imagine if a disease swept through the world where all humans died except the GENETICALLY in, the genes that cause that person to be blind just happen to help them fight the disease off...that means now EVERY living human MUST be blind...humans just lost the ability to see. One day we may not even have eyeballs anymore..who knows what we WILL develop tho? So because this blindness is genetic it will be passed on genetically to offspring. 3 things can happen now...we can split again, where a child will be born who can see but is also resistant (yay), or all newborns could be blind (aww) OR all newborns who ARENT blind may not survive..leading back to "all humans are geneticaly blind".
Theres no way to tell if your plant is going to be kickass and have 250% more thc, or if it will be like hemp with no thc. Until you smoke it