is this plant food right i dont think it is??????

miss marijuana

Active Member
hi peeps,
just a little question i know you experts could anwser for me, i have 8 female plants growing there nearly ready to be budded i am gonna start using miracle grow bloom booster now i dont know whether this is right because its a 0-0-30 mix is this right i just want a nice smoke :joint: please help.
my plants are:
2 cheese
2 blue cheese
2 white dwarf
1 white berry
1 durban poison
there on a 16 on 8 off lighting (fluorescent)

they are healthy plants no probs so far it just the npk mix i cant get right as a first time grower i suppose it happens to the best of us lol looking forward to my anwseres thanks peeps x x:confused::weed:

miss marijuana

Active Member
lol 6-6-6 i dont think so thats the sign of the devil haha i dont know whether to take you serious mr diemdepyro but thanks n e ways p.s peeps who much so i use thanks x


Well-Known Member
your going to want to put down the miracle grow and back away slowly. go to ebay and order some "hydroponic nutrients". takes less than a week and wont kill your plants.

miss marijuana

Active Member
no ihave just checked that out its no good for me coz im not growing with hydrophonics im using a 40 watt florescent light and so far so good its just the plant food im stuck on but hey thanks for your suggestions i will keep them in mind coz im gonna try growing with hydro nxt time x x x


Well-Known Member
that nutrients works in soil and hydroponic systems. it doesnt matter what kind of light you have. that would be the best nutrients for the money for any kind of grow. trust me i dont think you should use the miracle grow but its all up to you. good luck and i hope it all goes well.

miss marijuana

Active Member
im gonna buy it now then if it doesnt matter what lighting you got i dont wanna ruin my babys so miracle grow can go n f*&k itself hahah thanks for your advice x x


Well-Known Member
any time! good luck on the grow and hope it all goes well!
and hey! post some pics!! i wanna see some beauty!! ;-P

check my grow out!