is this plant dying?

It was in a little pot when it started to bud n looked healthy and green. Then it started to get purple stems n with purple tinged leaves n I put it in the ground and gave it heaps of sheep poo. Now it is doing nothing except turning yellow. I was watering them everyday, until I read a thread about watering every 3 days. We have had about 3 weeks above 37 c then this weekend it rained and was like winter, now we back to 30c + weather. I also give the plants seasol. Any help would be great. Hopefully next season I will be better at growing, looks like I will have to bloody buy pot this year.


Well-Known Member
Classic case of to much could be a few other things but it's most likely to much do you care for the plant? Do you give it nutes?
just sheep n cow poo and seaweed mix. There is heaps of clay around here. I'm in Australia. I so read the page about over loving ur plants but I read it too late. I also read the thread about RIU words n meanings and can't remember what a nute is. Will go back a d read it again.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty yellow, I don't think you can bring her back to life....weed need lots of nutrients during the growing process while having pH correct soil and pH correct water......Bad pH is the cause of many plant deficiencies..... Bad pH causes root lock up which means it doesn't absorb the nutes .....It's not as easy as putting a seed in the ground, watering it and giving it sun...I wish it was that easy....if you want I can give you a super cheap method
It's pretty yellow, I don't think you can bring her back to life....weed need lots of nutrients during the growing process while having pH correct soil and pH correct water......Bad pH is the cause of many plant deficiencies..... Bad pH causes root lock up which means it doesn't absorb the nutes .....It's not as easy as putting a seed in the ground, watering it and giving it sun...I wish it was that easy....if you want I can give you a super cheap method
slowly I am learning. All up I have 7 plants. And having trouble with 4. Two that were in little pots then transplanted, one in the photo at the top. Had two in big pots that grew huge but went hermie. And two little bonzi sized ones that have some nice buds coming along, fingers crossed. Anything cheaper than $50 a gram would be awesome. Dealers around here clean up, I'm only interested in personal smoke tho.


Well-Known Member
"Nute" is just short for Nutrients or plant food. I dont think its overwatered, but the fact that you transplanted it while it was flowering is probably the culprit. The nutrient levels from the pot to where it is planted in the ground are surely much different and it is likely locked up meaning it stopped taking up nutrients due to the shock of the transplant. Its possible you may have tore up the root ball during the transplant and the plant cant recover from it. How many did you transplant? Are all the ones that got transplanted doing this? Im just speculating pretty hard here since I am with limited info on your grow. The other plants in the same dirt look healthy to me so I have to lean toward transplanting them was the issue.


Well-Known Member
Sheep poop is good for iron but that's about it plus the
slowly I am learning. All up I have 7 plants. And having trouble with 4. Two that were in little pots then transplanted, one in the photo at the top. Had two in big pots that grew huge but went hermie. And two little bonzi sized ones that have some nice buds coming along, fingers crossed. Anything cheaper than $50 a gram would be awesome. Dealers around here clean up, I'm only interested in personal smoke tho.
Here's a sure fire method.....It only costs about $50.00 US dollars....You are going to need "jiffy Seed Starting Soil, Epsom salts, worm castings or bat guano or both, fish tank water conditioner, pH Correct Fizz Tabs, "Fox Farm Grow Big" nutes and " Fox Farm Tiger Bloom" the US you can get most of this at Walmart but you can find it at your Walmart equivalent or fish store.....But the Fox Farm stuff you can only get at a hydro store or from the Internet..... Ebay sells everything....If you follow this method you will have huge green lush plants
Sheep poop is good for iron but that's about it plus the

Here's a sure fire method.....It only costs about $50.00 US dollars....You are going to need "jiffy Seed Starting Soil, Epsom salts, worm castings or bat guano or both, fish tank water conditioner, pH Correct Fizz Tabs, "Fox Farm Grow Big" nutes and " Fox Farm Tiger Bloom" the US you can get most of this at Walmart but you can find it at your Walmart equivalent or fish store.....But the Fox Farm stuff you can only get at a hydro store or from the Internet..... Ebay sells everything....If you follow this method you will have huge green lush plants
Sheep poop is good for iron but that's about it plus the

Here's a sure fire method.....It only costs about $50.00 US dollars....You are going to need "jiffy Seed Starting Soil, Epsom salts, worm castings or bat guano or both, fish tank water conditioner, pH Correct Fizz Tabs, "Fox Farm Grow Big" nutes and " Fox Farm Tiger Bloom" the US you can get most of this at Walmart but you can find it at your Walmart equivalent or fish store.....But the Fox Farm stuff you can only get at a hydro store or from the Internet..... Ebay sells everything....If you follow this method you will have huge green lush plants
thanks will def look for all that stuff. It is rather disheartening having all these unsmokable plants. How long before planting should I start preparing the soil? I'm not sure when to plant here in Australia, my mum said something about the equinox?


Well-Known Member
Mate you plant late September for optimum results,cannabis plants grow on a photoperiod cycle which means they sprout in spring, vegetate all spring and summer and begin flower mid summer just after the summer solstice (longest day of the year late dec) flower through to harvest late March to early May. You can make your own soil with topsoil, mushroom compost, blood and bone, liquid seaweed, pearlite, water crystals, Dolomite lime, sheep poo, playsand, all stuff you can buy at bunnings.
You don't need a hydro store for that. As a first time grower you can buy nutes from bunnings too and then move on to more expensive products after a harvest or two.
Keep it simple and don't spend too much on your first grow. My first grow was really just seaweed and nitrosol for veggie stage and bat guano seaweed and worm castings for flower and I got 3 oz per plant first time.
I get a lot more now per plant but that's because of experience not expensive nutes.
Honestly the only nutrient I buy from hydro shop is bat guano.
Thank you redeyedfrog. That sounds simple and I know where Bunnings is too. I get a bit confused with the overseas info and products. The bat guano must be the shit, cause everyone seems to use it. Thanks for the dates too, I planted a bit late this year...must be why they look like bonzi. Cheers again.


Well-Known Member
Thank you redeyedfrog. That sounds simple and I know where Bunnings is too. I get a bit confused with the overseas info and products. The bat guano must be the shit, cause everyone seems to use it. Thanks for the dates too, I planted a bit late this year...must be why they look like bonzi. Cheers again.
Lol, yes bat guano is the SHIT


Well-Known Member
Thank you redeyedfrog. That sounds simple and I know where Bunnings is too. I get a bit confused with the overseas info and products. The bat guano must be the shit, cause everyone seems to use it. Thanks for the dates too, I planted a bit late this year...must be why they look like bonzi. Cheers again.
You are most welcome


Well-Known Member
Mate you plant late September for optimum results,cannabis plants grow on a photoperiod cycle which means they sprout in spring, vegetate all spring and summer and begin flower mid summer just after the summer solstice (longest day of the year late dec) flower through to harvest late March to early May. You can make your own soil with topsoil, mushroom compost, blood and bone, liquid seaweed, pearlite, water crystals, Dolomite lime, sheep poo, playsand, all stuff you can buy at bunnings.
You don't need a hydro store for that. As a first time grower you can buy nutes from bunnings too and then move on to more expensive products after a harvest or two.
Keep it simple and don't spend too much on your first grow. My first grow was really just seaweed and nitrosol for veggie stage and bat guano seaweed and worm castings for flower and I got 3 oz per plant first time.
I get a lot more now per plant but that's because of experience not expensive nutes.
Honestly the only nutrient I buy from hydro shop is bat guano.
I never bought nutes either when I first started....The first 3 times I did it I had beginners luck and got great results but after that I had nothing but problems until I discovered Nutes/Fox Farm nutes and learned about pH imbalances.... You may get lucky a few times but eventually you and every other grower will have major deficiencies and not know what to do


Well-Known Member
Hey calisto I soo sad my Cali o died germed never popped in soil. I have grown 8 times outdoors in Arizona. First indoor up here. Critical mass no germ @ all! Fuck seedsmen the gear sucks! Only 1 out of 3 work in. They no replace either so fuck them hardest up in it! So pissed & sad the critical is my favorite for baking & Cali o was for my bff who died on me cancer @ only 45. Fuck tears won't stop