Is this plant dying?


Well-Known Member
Here's the same plant 5 days later. I pretty much have left it alone because I think I newbied the little dude to sickness. The leaves are deteriorating, but at a slower rate now. The stalk is strong, though, so maybe it will come back.



Well-Known Member
Im having the same problem...One planted in Organic Soil...The other in Pre-Fert Soil...Organic is bigger/healthier looking all over...the other is slowly yellowing...even worse now than this pic. I know better now.

Organic is on the left..FYI


Well-Known Member
I duno might make it.
Just let it go.
I would water it real good and put in in the ground.
You're now the second person to tell me to plant it in the ground and see if it makes it. I'll look for a spot around here. I am planing on keeping my plants outside in pots, so I don't have a spot yet for planting in the ground.

I want to keep them in pots so I can move them if people are around, plus I have a sweet dark room that I will use to manually flower at 12/12. I think I will just bring them in and out of my dark room every day to flower.


Well-Known Member
Well, I replanted it two days ago. When I popped out the soil from the pot, the top half of the soil came out and left the bottom half in. That tells me the roots were dead, because the soil looks to only remain intact from where I started burying it after the stretch. I wish I had taken a pic of it at this point, but I was in hurry to replant it. Here's a pic after replanting...just a bunch of shrivelled leaves on a stick. It's been on a slow die for a while. I fully expect to lose this one.

