Take another look. He's got a High N thing going a tad too....Purple, that is high K expression by that plant. The "mottled" look is just about a normal thing for a plant being feed at a "push" rate.....at it's age..
The dial in is really close on that strain and feed rate.....Personally, I would back off the feeding buy like 10% on the next run....Compare the yield notes when done.....The high N showing that late, could likely inhibit budding to full potential....Possible anyway, and that's why I would do another at 10 -15% less and compare. OR you could tickle the P up at the next feeding and once more in a week from that...
Being Afghani 1's...they can take a high nutrient ratio pretty well......
@Giddy up - Let's play guess my plant age in bloom.. Your right about 6 weeks, and maybe a few days more?
They look good....If it was "Me",,,,I "might" back off the nutrient a bit and hit them with like a PK booster once! Something like Canna's, Hesi's or Ionic's PK....
Most likely I
would simply run it out and lower the feeding ratio for the strain by 10% next time...less nutrient or less feedings, what ever.