Is this over watering???


This plant is 2 weeks into flowering. The fan leaves are rapidly falling off and the new lower growth is starting to curl and look sickly. It is in soil and I think its over watered. If so what should I do?
Thank so much.....



Active Member
Dont hold me to this but it looks like a chemical burn on your leaves, your tips are brown and crisp, which may also be part of overwatering.

I was hoping u had something like mine where i switch from cfl to hps and my leaves are dying or is it overwatering.

if i was you i would not water for a few days, do not use any nutes and just use clean water, some might even tell you to flush it because of salt build up.

hope this helps im a "newb" too only on my 2nd grow tc man.bongsmilie


Active Member
what/how often are you feeding and watering it. how tall is it and how much soil is it in?(assuming pH is in check)


Its in a 5 gallon pot, watering by feel about twice a week, about 30 inches high and started pro bloom nutes about 11 days ago.
Thanks for help.


Active Member
Its in a 5 gallon pot, watering by feel about twice a week, about 30 inches high and started pro bloom nutes about 11 days ago.
Thanks for help.
did you flush at all before you started flowering? Im really thinking its nute lock thing. Id only water good once a week unless your "conditions" require more. Still consider a good flush with clean water.

Brick Top

New Member
In your picture it looked very clear that at least one leaf had curled upwards at the tip. Is that the normal curl you are getting? If so the following might be your problem.

Lower leaves yellow and may even turn white while veins remain dark green. Blades die and curl upward.

The one thing that makes me question if that might be correct is it did not appear that your plant's veins have remained dark green. Possibly that is due to an advanced state and it could mean it is a totally different problem or several different problems combined.

Not to be an alarmist but I tend to believe that you may have more than one issue to deal with but I am not sure what else to add to the above. A few more pictures, hopefully of decent to high quality and a very detailed description of how things began and how they progressed would help people to better be able to assist you.