Is this okay? Need advice please


Active Member
Ok so I germinated this plant for about 3 days until the seed cracked open then I planted it in ffof soil it's been about a week and a couple days from seed. The temp has been normal about 80 when lights are on and about 76 when there off I have them on 18 hrs on and 6 hrs off but the stem is turning red/purple color??? I'm new to growing and I'm just starting these off in my closet until my grow room arrives I have it under 3 clfs not too sure on watts or anything but it seems to be healthy besides the red/purple stem is it something I'm doing wrong can someone give me pointers or advice as to what this is pleaseimage.jpgtop view looks healthy but this is what scares me image.jpgsee the reddish purple stem help ASAP PLZ


Well-Known Member
dont be to scared, some strains do that, in worse case its a sign of to little food/nutrients but since its a seedling I doubt it, are you making sure the water you use is PH right 6-7 (most aim for 6,5) beside that I say it look healthy, leaves is pointing upwards but if you keep em with in 2-6" of the light it should only be a healthy sign, only thing I might comment is your choice of light/kelvin, in Veg plants need/use most light in the blue color spectrum (5000-6500 Kelvin) wile in flowering they use more warm light (red/yellow) at about 2000-3000K


Active Member
Ok thanks for your quick reply and btw this is just for now I ordered a 4x4x6.5 grow room and I got a 400 watt mh and 1000 watt hps also got a couple 100 cmf fans and ducting along with fox farm nutes on the way from eBay just waiting on that lol and also this is just some bag seed out of some dank ass bud bongsmilie but I plan on getting some seed from attitude Seed bank as well I figured if I'm going to do it I might as well do it right ill be making a grow journal so watch out for LILSTONEDDUDE you guys thanks and ill see if I can't get my hands on some diff. Clfs lol thanks again man


Active Member
I am using CFL's on three plants. First, the purple color... completely normal with seedlings. Don't worry. Second, the cfl's are self ballased and the good thing about that is that the only part that really gets "hot" is the balast itself. For that reason, your lights can be close to your plants (which you must know because you said they are 2-3 inches away from your seedlings). Keep them close. I had to eventually lift them up a little higher when I started getting good growth, and now they are about 10 inches from my plants (maybe a LITTLE less). My veg. growth has been amazing, so everyone against cfl's must have no experience with them. Not only are they CHEAP to run, but they push off about 1200 lumens a piece, and with good flat white all around, your plants absorb that well. HID is always nice, but when the budget is tight, these are amazing!!!


Active Member
Oh lol is the boiled water going to hurt anything? And thanks vansprosenjohn I'm just using the clfs to get started like I said I have the big gunz coming thank y'all for y'all's help and not frowning upon my noob self lol when all my stuff gets here ill start a journal! And like I said its my first grow and I'm excited to see where this takes me as I am berry tired of paying assloads of money on skimpy ass sacks and


Active Member
Another thing I've been worried about is over watering how often should I water every 12 or 24 hrs I've done some research an got nothing but mixed answers


Well-Known Member
Another thing I've been worried about is over watering how often should I water every 12 or 24 hrs I've done some research an got nothing but mixed answers
you need to learn to heft your pots, when they are light, they are thirsty.

...and no, boiling water and letting it cool won't hurt your plants at all unless the water you started with was shit.

don't be discouraged if things don't go as planned, don't even be discouraged if you kill those seedlings, i killed 30 my first time out, just keep at it and each time you try you will do better until you succeed.

...and train yourself to not rely on the easy answers you get to your questions, instead, learn to go hunting for answers to your questions, it will be harder this way but i promise you you will learn MUCH faster this way and you will develop confidence in your approach because you will have read much from many qualified growers and then reached your own conclusions.

...growing cannabis isn't really all that hard but it is a skill so if you do your homework you WILL succeed.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
Another thing I've been worried about is over watering how often should I water every 12 or 24 hrs I've done some research an got nothing but mixed answers
Generally you'll water when your pots get light, I'd say if your daytime temp gets around 80ish, you'll water every 3-4 days if you find your soil drying out faster than that you prob need to change the pot size..., however, since your roots are not that far down yet (and if you do it carefully you can bury the rest of that plant) you'll prob give it a little water every 18-24 hours for the first week...


Active Member
set up.jpgthis is my set up. cheap and easy. yes that is empty water jugs from my water :mrgreen:free man.


Active Member
I wouldn't have made clones from plants that far along in flower, but to each his own.. I'd recommend next time cloning when you're seeing "pre-flowers" (or when you can 100% determine sex...). Late in veg is a good time, but that far along can create 2 problems 1: Sometimes plants that far along are too far along to grow new roots. Looks to me like that's not a problem for you. 2: It often times takes flowering females to re-veg. I am using cfl's right now as well, and I know from experience that the better the light, the less time we have to wait to flower. Taking that into consideration, if we put a flowering female back in veg, it will ALSO take longer to re-veg. It does look healthy though, so it looks like you've got a good idea of what they need to make it. I'd recommend using better lights AS SOON as you get them. Mine will be ordered soon as well, so I know how it goes. Just wanted to help out if at all possible, because I have experience in this department.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have made clones from plants that far along in flower, but to each his own.. I'd recommend next time cloning when you're seeing "pre-flowers" (or when you can 100% determine sex...). Late in veg is a good time, but that far along can create 2 problems 1: Sometimes plants that far along are too far along to grow new roots. Looks to me like that's not a problem for you. 2: It often times takes flowering females to re-veg. I am using cfl's right now as well, and I know from experience that the better the light, the less time we have to wait to flower. Taking that into consideration, if we put a flowering female back in veg, it will ALSO take longer to re-veg. It does look healthy though, so it looks like you've got a good idea of what they need to make it. I'd recommend using better lights AS SOON as you get them. Mine will be ordered soon as well, so I know how it goes. Just wanted to help out if at all possible, because I have experience in this department.
you're in the wrong thread homes, this thread is for helping someone new care for seedlings, not clones.



Well-Known Member
I'm having a couple problems too, all the foliage is a nice dark green, but some tips are turning yellow and there are some dark brown or rust spots on a few of the older fan leaves. Strain is barneys night shade here are some pics!

