Is this nutrient or light burn?


Well-Known Member
Judging by the lights and their height , i don't think its light burn , and i don't see the typical signs of light burn on the leaves , the tips are showing a small sign of "possible" nutrient burn but from the shot you gave alone your grow is looking okay imo..


Well-Known Member
tip burn. If you are still in veg and feeding you need to tone it down a bit and water for a day or two, start at half strength and move back up to where you want to be.

In a way I sort of like seeing a slight bloom of tip burn in late veg and late flower, it lets me know I am taking them right to their max intake point. Usually if I see it 2 weeks before my planned flip or harvest, at that point I just water and switch or flush and harvest.

Knowing the right colors helps you get a jump on other problems too. If its more pale yellow probalby more over watering, if its burnt yellow/rust/red its high nutes, if its brown with bubbles and crunchy its probably a ph just get an eye for it after a while...


tip burn. If you are still in veg and feeding you need to tone it down a bit and water for a day or two, start at half strength and move back up to where you want to be.

In a way I sort of like seeing a slight bloom of tip burn in late veg and late flower, it lets me know I am taking them right to their max intake point. Usually if I see it 2 weeks before my planned flip or harvest, at that point I just water and switch or flush and harvest.

Knowing the right colors helps you get a jump on other problems too. If its more pale yellow probalby more over watering, if its burnt yellow/rust/red its high nutes, if its brown with bubbles and crunchy its probably a ph just get an eye for it after a while...
Thanks man, I'm about 4 weeks from harvest in dwc. I'm going to cool off a little with the nutes and see how that goes, but very helpful info :D