Is this nutirent tox or nutrient burn?


Well-Known Member
I'm still a noob and I wanted to know if this is nutrient burn or nutirent tox? The tips on leafs are burning, curling and looks like vanes on leafs are bright green I'm having trouble with this cheese plant.
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A potassium deficiency looks like nutrient burn at first.....lush greens with brown tips... BUT the brown moves to the edges and the leaves begin turning yellow between the veins similar to a magnesium def. Magnesium problems start at bottom of plant..always...potassium problems can show anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Whats your...
P.h of water and soil
I been feeding it water the whole last week because the week before i burned it pretty bad so I laid off on the nutrients. I feed it 6.5 ph water use fox farm soil with big bloom, tiger bloom and grow big nutrients.


Tap it filtered heavily?
What's the ph of the soil or run off water?
I don't think a nutrient burn will make the leaves fade between the veins.
If its not getting better after flushing it must be a deficiency...if its showing multiple matching symptoms its usually wrong soil ph....there by locking out some minerals etc that might be there but temporarily unavailable.


Well-Known Member
Tap it filtered heavily?
What's the ph of the soil or run off water?
I don't think a nutrient burn will make the leaves fade between the veins.
If its not getting better after flushing it must be a deficiency...if its showing multiple matching symptoms its usually wrong soil ph....there by locking out some minerals etc that might be there but temporarily unavailable.
I'm using rodi water. I haven't checked the run off water I'm gonna check it today But idk if I should feed it nutirents or just water. On tds meter it reads 0 and on ppm meter water also reads 0.


Just my opinion...not saying anyone else is wrong but micronutrient deficiencies are most prevalent in grows using RO or distilled water especially.

You could try and give it nothing.....I guess.


Well-Known Member
Could be nute burn, could be potassium problems.....flush it with 6.5 water and give it a dose of potassium