is this nute burn?


Yes check your levels, takes time sometimes to dial in.
Every time I grow a new strain I Need to adjust my mix,
Until I zero in on the plants happiness.
Nute burn, lockout, overwatering. Happens, then after a few runs
With same strain your on automatic time.


Well-Known Member
New leaves look fine. So why are you concerned?Meaning what have you been feeding? Never feed full strength as directed on a bottle or box.Not marijuana.


Well-Known Member
Ive only been feeding them 0.7 ec max thats including my water which is just over 0.1 ec or 101ppm (eutech), i started with 0.3.. im in coco coir and perlite.. ph 5.8.. ive been researching and the closest i can find is phosphorus def, i added cal mag to my tank from day 1 on the advice of someone else and it seems that they didnt need it... im feeding under a quarter of the reccomemded dose of canna a and b... and from looking at pics and seeing that its started on my oldest leafs makes sense i may overfed them cal mag


Well-Known Member
New leaves look fine. So why are you concerned?Meaning what have you been feeding? Never feed full strength as directed on a bottle or box.Not marijuana.
The fact that all my leafs are not healthy is my problem there only 17 days old, this shit shouldnt be happening, its confusing because ive been very strict with my nute plan, even for this stage my ecs very low.. the canna grow guide says i should be feeding around 1.1ec, the bottle reccomendation adds upto around 1.8... im doing 0.7.. my plants look nice but im worried that whatever it is it will spread if i dont sort it..



Well-Known Member
Up your feeding to around 1.0 EC.You know to feed and then water twice (my routine only)? They are surely not burned though.


Well-Known Member
Up your feeding to around 1.0 EC.You know to feed and then water twice (my routine only)? They are surely not burned though.
The tips are burned though?? Do i really want to be upping my ec just yet? Like i said before i think its to much calicium as ive found out even though my waters soft its treated with calcium, so adding cal mag along with canna nuted having cal mag, and judging by the articles ive read yellowing on older leafs which turns into brown crispy leafs, which spread up the plant is a phosphorus def, and the only way to sort it is to flush my girls but i have no means to flush such big pots, for one it would take 460 litres of water to flush my full crop.. the only way i could do that is to flush each one in the bath tub but that meams no ph adjustment so id be giving my girls ph 7.2 full of chlorine..


Well-Known Member
The tips are burned though?? Do i really want to be upping my ec just yet? Like i said before i think its to much calicium as ive found out even though my waters soft its treated with calcium, so adding cal mag along with canna nuted having cal mag, and judging by the articles ive read yellowing on older leafs which turns into brown crispy leafs, which soread up the plant is a phosphorus def, and the only way to sort it is to flush my girls but i have no means to flush such big pots, for one it would take 460 litres of water to flush my full crop.. the only way i could do that is to flush each one in the bath tub but that meams no ph adjustment so id be giving my girls ph 7.2 full of chlorine..
I see no whitening of the newer leaf tips.Yellowing of lower is often due to the plant pulling needed nitrogen from it.


Well-Known Member
I see no whitening of the newer leaf tips.Yellowing of lower is often due to the plant pulling needed nitrogen from it.
I doubt its nitrogen, ive had nitrogen problems in the past and the leafs turn a whole different type of yellow, and take a while to crisp.. these seem to have really slow spread which has been there since day 1 on the baby leafs.. but as i went into my grow room i noticed it had spread to the tips of my first 3 leafers.


Well-Known Member
I must be really blind because I'm not seeing anything but possibly some heat stress in the pic with all of them in it.


Well-Known Member
I must be really blind because I'm not seeing anything but possibly some heat stress in the pic with all of them in it.
Maybe i just worry to much lol im still a noob, so when i challenge your advice i dont mean it in a bad way i just want my girls to be perfect.. and all your advice is appreciated


Well-Known Member
Not every single leaf needs to be perfect,nor more then likely by end of the grow it WONT be perfect....doesn't look Phosphorus def to me imo...probably heat stress like hot rod said...just look at new growth..looks fine...just watch the need to slow down a bit, let it grow...your going to have a heart attack geesh..


Well-Known Member
Don't just give your nute recipe......soil,lights Temp, RH etc...just because you think it's phos. Def, doesn't mean it is


Well-Known Member
Not every single leaf needs to be perfect,nor more then likely by end of the grow it WONT be perfect....doesn't look Phosphorus def to me imo...probably heat stress like hot rod said...just look at new growth..looks fine...just watch the need to slow down a bit, let it grow...your going to have a heart attack geesh..
Well its defo not heat stress the temps dont go over 80f, its not nute burn because that starts on the newer growth.. ive found out that me been to careful with my nutes has caused a def.. its not a micro nute def, so leaves N P K Mg, its defo not cal mag, and its doubtful its nitrogen!! The symptoms are yellowing from the tip which spread down the lower growth until the tips turn brown and crispy, while the rest of the plant looks fine, so ive upped my ec to 1.0 and im betting the extra P in Part A sorts my problem out!! You cant tell me to chill when theres a problem thats spreading, what sort of a lazy ass would i be if i just let it spread without trying to find out what it is, ive had defs in the past and ive seen them just start on the bottoms and it spreads unless you figure it out.
My humiditys at 65%-70% Day and Night
Temps at pot level 79f room temp 80-81f
I like to keep it a little more humid and warmer through veg but i know 81f wont heat stress it.
I know its a problem with the way im feeding them, just need to figure it out..


Well-Known Member
What are your lights? And I bet if you "chilled" you'd figure it out, what type of soil your don't have to tell me you're ec again or ppms I don't bother with that


Well-Known Member
What are your lights? And I bet if you "chilled" you'd figure it out, what type of soil your don't have to tell me you're ec again or ppms I don't bother with that
Well if you bothered to read you would know ive already stated, coco coir/perlite 70/30.
PPM feeding is vital when using Coco coir, ph is 5.8-6.0...
I dont need to chill.. im happy with the way my girls look but im not about to sit back and watch it spread, and i guarentee i will figure it.