Is this Nute Burn?


Active Member
Day 57 from bagseed.
Using some T4s and CFLs.

I started using nutes four waterings ago. I used a small amount the first two times, watered without nutes the third time, and increased the dosage of the nutes for the fourth time.

I am using General Hydroponics. Last dosage was 5ml of Grow, 2.5 of micro and bloom per gallon of water. Each plant drank 1/3 of a gallon.

I can't tell if those spots are nutes, heat, or lack of light. Any thoughts? Thanks much in advance!


Well-Known Member
i dont think its heat stress...that tends to happen upwards at the canopy where temps are hotter. unless u had a small bulb tryin to cook that one leaf. doesnt look nute burnt either...though i;d go with nute burnt over heat stress.


Well-Known Member
Burn burn burn
U guys need to read more.
Heat stress presents as wilting leaves
It's a defense mechanism so the plant shuts down somewhat to conserve water which it is being rapidly depleted of.


Well-Known Member
Burn burn burn
U guys need to read more.
Heat stress presents as wilting leaves
It's a defense mechanism so the plant shuts down somewhat to conserve water which it is being rapidly depleted of.

ya...i didnt think it was heat stress...obviously, but signs of over ferting on a single fan leaf blade? a bit odd eh? should be more sign elsewhere...but youve been at it longer then myself.


Active Member
Burn burn burn
U guys need to read more.
Heat stress presents as wilting leaves
It's a defense mechanism so the plant shuts down somewhat to conserve water which it is being rapidly depleted of.
if it was on more of the plant i'd agree, but look how heavily those leaves are canoing - theyre so heavily pulled in they;re beginning to warp


Well-Known Member
Ok I looked again. Just to be sure. I see leaves lightly burned at the bottom. That happened as the plant was very young. I see a little cupping of leaves but not the kind that show water stress. I really think the plant looks pretty darn good. Nuttin you can do about those fan lvs. Leave them be, ok? Look at the new growth to determine overall plant vigor and health. I'm sorry I don't see what everyone is seeing. I see a healthy plant that will produce a nice cola or a few depending on pruning. Btw, OP are you Gonna top them or let it grow bushy? Well good luck wit it and I'm here if ya need me


Active Member
Thanks for the advice everyone, I really appreciate it.
There actually are a couple more fan leaves that have that same discoloration pattern on it-- the other leaves are also low to the ground.

DB - I'm not planning on topping - this is my first grow and the idea of cutting off part of the plant still freaks me out a bit. I have two other plants going at the same time and am LST'ing one of them.
What do you mean by "cupping" - that the leaves are curling?
When leaves start to yellow and die, should I pull them off or leave them be?


Well-Known Member
No its just a little trace element def , not much to worry about. Nice bushy plants for cfls, now it looks like that i would flower it out side(after acclimatising) as this is flowering time outside. If u have hps then leave it inside for flowering, its safer.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice everyone, I really appreciate it.
There actually are a couple more fan leaves that have that same discoloration pattern on it-- the other leaves are also low to the ground.

DB - I'm not planning on topping - this is my first grow and the idea of cutting off part of the plant still freaks me out a bit. I have two other plants going at the same time and am LST'ing one of them.
What do you mean by "cupping" - that the leaves are curling?
When leaves start to yellow and die, should I pull them off or leave them be?
Let em fall naturally


Active Member
Ok, I figured if the leaves were dying, that I might as well end their misery, lol, so the plant doesn't put too much energy on leaves that arent going to last.