Is this nute burn, or nute defeciency, or smething completly different. PLZZZZ HELP!!


So the plants will be 3 weeks from sprouting on monday, and i have started to notice that the bottom leaves on a few of the plants have started to turn light green and yellow over the last couple of days, i put this down to N def, so started feeding them a small amount of canna terra vega from yesterday. but to me from what i have been reading on here it looks like nute burn, but then i have only been feeding them from yesterday. now im really confused,:sad: can someone please help!!!!
This is from one of the worse plants
Here she is again, shes looking ok apart from the bottom leaves.
leaf on the other side of her.
the smaller girl is also starting to get pale leaves.
all 5 of them. the one of the front isnt turning yellow, the damage on the leaves is from them touching the light for too long, lol!!!!

What you think this could be down too?


Well-Known Member
heat problem??? it gets over 100 here and i see no issue with plants ... if your grow room is over 120 wth is wrong with you


Well-Known Member
Have you sprayed them with water? If so it could possibly be light burn from the droplets of water which magnify the light. Just a possibility?


the last week has been really hot here, causing my grow room to get a lot warmer then normal, could that also be the cause. the only good thing is that its cooling down now and they have given shit weather for next week. so the room will be back to normal temps, just hoping they start to improve!!


Active Member
What type of water are you using? Is it "tap you let sit out"? If so you most likely have chloramines in your water supply, which do NOT evaporate and cause all sorts of problems from nute lockout to stunted growth. What pH? RH? Air temp? Canopy temp?


Yes I have just been using tap water left out for 24 hours or longer! Cab temp is 26 degrees C, and canopy is 27.8 degrees C. Sorry not sure on ph or rh yet, won't know until I get paid and can finally buy some more bits and bobs! Was also thinking is fish aquarium water any good?When I get my ph tester guna check it and go from there!


Also the plants are still growing at a rapid rate and the yellowing doesn't seem to be getting anyworse! Hopefully it was just because of the heat wave we had last week!
Definiatly looked like a n def to me, there is a distinct difference between n def and burn.
with nute def you will see the lower leaves starting to yellow as the plant takes all the nutrient from the leaves,
With nute burn the leaves will get dark and almost a purple colour then start curling down.
But then as i say this all plants can react different. Just my 2 buds worth GOODLUCK man Nice plants