Is this normal?

Hey everyone. This is my first grow ever. It's a grape ape strain and is in its (around) second week. I'm kinda worried because the second set of leaves seem to have a kinda purple color to them...i don't think it's brown but sorta purple. Is it normal or is there something wrong with my setup. Thanks for your help... here's a pic


Active Member
those leaves look like they're dying. hmm weird. you said your two weeks in? that thing should be way bigger haha.


What type of lights are you using, and how close are they? How good is your ventilation? And how often are you watering it?
I'm using a 125w cfl. I just added a big fan close to the plant yesterday. I water it when I see that the soil is drying up

Oh yeah and the plant is around 4 inches from cfl


Well-Known Member
how cold does it get at night?

nothing you can do, the soil looks poor but that shouldnt cause the purpling. Just wait it out.


Active Member
Your problem is the soil bro there is no aerration happening or if there very little she's prob suffocating u need a good soil mix promoix 30% perlite 10% vermiculite ur good to go.


Well-Known Member
50 deg. is pretty damn cold and can shut down plant growth.
These guys have a point about your soil too.