Is this normal?

The fan leaves are very lime green which is different than the rest I planted (the strain is LSD). I have 5 that look just like this, I'm not sure if it's a real problem or if it's normal.

Also, the fan leaves on this seem to be slightly drooping but I'm not sure if anything's wrong with it. IMG_0555.jpg

Last of all, this one... the leaves seem to be slightly yellowing on the edges.IMG_0553.jpg

Help appreciated.


Active Member
That one seedling does look a bit pale. There is a fair amount of variation in leaf color between strains. Is she close enough to the light?

If that were a bigger plant, I would suspect an N deficiency setting in, but I've never heard of this in a seedlings. Usually they have the opposite problem. I think the real sign of N deficiency is not that they grow pale, but they turn pale after growing dark green. Watch to see what happens in the later leaves.

You might try a foliar feed of a weak veg fertilizer to see if it makes any difference. I would go 1/8th strength and ramp up to 1/4.

I would just keep an eye on her. If she has an N deficiencey there is plenty of time to intervene.
They're all about 6 inches from my T5, I could probably lower it on down a bit though. But, I put 1/4th strength nutes in my 8-gal res about 2 days ago, should I still proceed with the spray?


Active Member
your too soon for nutes! those plants have all they need for a couple weeks.your burning them is why their starting to yellow on the edges


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Seeds have enough food for 12 days of life so you don't need to give them anything before that.
Ok, so I flushed and I'm hoping they'll be alright, gunna let them all get 2-3 sets of leaves before I add any nutes again.
As of today they appear to be doing a bit better, the one is still drooping and one of the ones with lime green fan leaves is still a bit brown but I think they'll turn it around within the next day or two. Also, the bigger one has already turned that yellow back into green (yay).
So here's the update, I think things are going a lot more smoothly since I got rid of the nutes. I may raise my light up a bit within the next few days to promote a bit of growth in height.

This one seems to be a "dwarf", it's shown no sign of growth in almost a week.