Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
my plants just about 6 weeks into flower and iv read everywhere its supposed to use up nitrogen and the leaves change to a yellow color...

welll mine hasnt shown any yet and today it had these little burn marks on the tips of like 3 leaves on the very top om my plant...
is this the start of it using up nitrogen or are these something else?


Big C

If your into flower it could be magnesium def-. I have had this problem it starts like what you have and the leafs continue to turn yellow and die. Study up and think about Epsom salts as a cure and preventive next time you reach this point. I have practiced this and it seems to be working. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I've never had a plant stay that green. It's looking good. It might just be starting to loose some leafs.

Big C

What about chlorine your plant looks great. Is it possible some chlorine got passed through. Just a guess I'm very new to this


Well-Known Member
Brown tips like that are usually caused by chlorine in your TAP water, and it's no big deal. It happens to a lot of us that use tap water... don't sweat it. It's when your chlorine levels are so high that they are killing the leaves that you have a problem. You have nothing to worry about here.

As for the leaves changing colors.... In general, it's true that they do sometimes change to a more yellow as Nitrogen in not needed by the plant as much as other nutrients during flowering (mostly P and K). But, they don't have to change colors. It's not mandatory. :-) Still, give it a couple more weeks and I bet that you will eventually see some of the fan leaves changing to a light yellow. And that's fine as well.

Your plants look like they are doing great.. Good job.



Well-Known Member
Also, the suggestion of epsom salt during flowering is a good suggestion. I use it as an additive when I flower my plants and have had great success with it.