Is this normal?


Active Member
I got some Epsom salt today, seen this will help with purple stems, I gonna try this, and if no good, I will bank for some cal-mag. Do they make something I can put in with the mix to add just nitrogen? Could the yellow leaves be caused by Zinc def? And I posted about needing help on figuring PPM, not sure how much nutes I would add for 250 ppm?
how purples the stems? and what kind like purple veins? it might be that your plants just need some nutes all together not just N. They could be it would be a good idea to get a micro nute with minerals in it. I use dutchmasters max it gives you all your trace minerals and a little mag and cal but you should still get some mag and cal because epson salt doesn't have cal in it. I think. its one of the two. I'm not sure what nutes you use and most nutes tell you what approx. ppm their standard dose will become when mixed either on the bottle or website if that helps. Honestly it really looks to me like they are just underfertilized all together


Active Member
how purples the stems? and what kind like purple veins? it might be that your plants just need some nutes all together not just N. They could be it would be a good idea to get a micro nute with minerals in it. I use dutchmasters max it gives you all your trace minerals and a little mag and cal but you should still get some mag and cal because epson salt doesn't have cal in it. I think. its one of the two. I'm not sure what nutes you use and most nutes tell you what approx. ppm their standard dose will become when mixed either on the bottle or website if that helps. Honestly it really looks to me like they are just underfertilized all together
here are some pics I took today of the purple stems, and some others parts. I gave them some Epsom salt with some nutes ph'd around 6.5 yesterday.



Active Member
dude thats all fine theres nothing wrong except the pretty extreme overwater. I'd let them dry out, ALOT. and when you water, water about half as much as you normally do. Its almost better in dirt to give them less water more often then water them alot and less often. The plant in nature likes to be dried out it allows for more oxygen to get to the roots. but as far as your purple goes especially on the big fan leaves, they always purple like that. and the purple veins that you have is more than likely just a natural trait for the plant.


Active Member
dude thats all fine theres nothing wrong except the pretty extreme overwater. I'd let them dry out, ALOT. and when you water, water about half as much as you normally do. Its almost better in dirt to give them less water more often then water them alot and less often. The plant in nature likes to be dried out it allows for more oxygen to get to the roots. but as far as your purple goes especially on the big fan leaves, they always purple like that. and the purple veins that you have is more than likely just a natural trait for the plant.
OK, I will not feed them for awhile, would overwater cause the plant to almost stop growing, because the new growth was pretty good size, and now it is way smaller, and not really growing?


Well-Known Member
In pic #3(new pics) it shows your plants pre-flowers, and I'm 90% sure that you have a male plant. Wait another 2-3 days and take another pic, and we'll know for certain.


Active Member
In pic #3(new pics) it shows your plants pre-flowers, and I'm 90% sure that you have a male plant. Wait another 2-3 days and take another pic, and we'll know for certain.
It is a feminized WW from the attitude seed bank, I hope it isn't a male, it's only a month old.


Well-Known Member
It is a feminized WW from the attitude seed bank, I hope it isn't a male, it's only a month old.

Wait a few days,(no more than a week, unless the stunting slows it waaay down) and it should sprout a pistil if it's a female. It's hard to tell from the pic, but it looked like there was a little stalk there, attaching the pre-flower. Pheew, hopefully I'm seeing things.LOL


Active Member
OK, I will not feed them for awhile, would overwater cause the plant to almost stop growing, because the new growth was pretty good size, and now it is way smaller, and not really growing?
Yeah, whats really happening is your plants are being sufficated by water. There is so much water in the soil that air cant get to the roots. Without air to the roots all the micro organisms that help the plant can't do their thing and nutrient uptake almost stops you'll see in a day or 2 they will start praying again and They will look awesome. Oh and they look like young plants in veg. not like males. but just because they are feminized doesn't necessarily make them females. but you have like a 85% chance they are so I wouldn't worry to much but you should still check them a few weeks into bud to make sure


Active Member
Yeah, whats really happening is your plants are being sufficated by water. There is so much water in the soil that air cant get to the roots. Without air to the roots all the micro organisms that help the plant can't do their thing and nutrient uptake almost stops you'll see in a day or 2 they will start praying again and They will look awesome. Oh and they look like young plants in veg. not like males. but just because they are feminized doesn't necessarily make them females. but you have like a 85% chance they are so I wouldn't worry to much but you should still check them a few weeks into bud to make sure
here is an update. I went yesterday to local grow shop and picked up a bag of Fox Farm ocean forest soil and transplanted my girls. A bottle of cal-mag to start in with the feedings, and some things to do clones. As I transplanted the soil and Roots were SOAKED with water. I didn't water the new soil as the roots and what old soil was left were wet enough. I changed the soil as I had a cheap bag from lowes and it was hard to control nutes. The bag said uptil 9 months was in the cheap soil. Now I'm waiting for the plants to dry up, and waiting for the leaves to start praying again. I will update in a few days or if something bad happens, but everything still looks the same as in the pics.


Active Member
Yesterday I flushed most of my girls, as I was seeing signs of nute burn, I hope I didn't mess anything up. I flushed with 2 gallons of warm tap water 1st gallon was from faucet and 2nd gallon was PH'd 6.5. Then I added a 1/4 of the called for dose for my ferts in some 6.5 ph'd water. I hope this flush will help some problems I have been having. I could tell how much better the water flushed through the foxfarm, than the cheap lowes soil, I was like SHIT.:clap: I will only use foxfarm for my stuff now.


Active Member
Yesterday I flushed most of my girls, as I was seeing signs of nute burn, I hope I didn't mess anything up. I flushed with 2 gallons of warm tap water 1st gallon was from faucet and 2nd gallon was PH'd 6.5. Then I added a 1/4 of the called for dose for my ferts in some 6.5 ph'd water. I hope this flush will help some problems I have been having. I could tell how much better the water flushed through the foxfarm, than the cheap lowes soil, I was like SHIT.:clap: I will only use foxfarm for my stuff now.
Yeah when you buy the cheap shit and then go to something quality you find out all dirts not the same. Me personally I like sunshine mix#4 its mostly peatmoss and vermiculite for great aeration and drainage so I don't need to add any sand or gravel or rocks or anything. And what I love the best is no nutes cause I can better control my feeding and don't have to worry about what's already in there. But I'm glad you like it I've heard great things but have never used it
I mixed soil,perlite, and vermiculite evenly and the question I have is what do you do when the top layer of mix gets hard after watering? Its like cat litter as it hardens top layer of pot mix. Do I break this up? QUOTE=Dr.GreenBuds;3620049]Yeah when you buy the cheap shit and then go to something quality you find out all dirts not the same. Me personally I like sunshine mix#4 its mostly peatmoss and vermiculite for great aeration and drainage so I don't need to add any sand or gravel or rocks or anything. And what I love the best is no nutes cause I can better control my feeding and don't have to worry about what's already in there. But I'm glad you like it I've heard great things but have never used it[/QUOTE]


Active Member
I mixed soil,perlite, and vermiculite evenly and the question I have is what do you do when the top layer of mix gets hard after watering? Its like cat litter as it hardens top layer of pot mix. Do I break this up?
To be honest I never had that problem. Most of my mix is peatmoss for better aeration. I use 40% spungum peatmoss, and the rest even parts soil, vermiculite and perlite. yeah I probubly would if it ends up a soild mass on top but if its more like sand on top it should be fine


Active Member
Looks good but you are going to want to take cuttings before you go into bud. Once your in bud you can have problems with your cuttings or atleast they will seem like problems if you take cuttings to late into bud. And if you do it before bud and wait a 5-7 days you'll end up with more bud on a smaller plant. Its just a thought


Active Member
Looks good but you are going to want to take cuttings before you go into bud. Once your in bud you can have problems with your cuttings or atleast they will seem like problems if you take cuttings to late into bud. And if you do it before bud and wait a 5-7 days you'll end up with more bud on a smaller plant. Its just a thought
I took cuttings from 4 of the plants, post a pic tomorrow, and going to start flowering in the morning.