Is this normal...?


Active Member
This is my first grow and I'm probably being a little manic... I have a few aurora indica plants that I prunned per the instructions in the Grow FAQ and a super ice plant that I have yet to prune since it showed its sex later and I'm waiting for it to get adjusted to the outdoor environment. If you look at the pics I've posted, the indica aurora has started to grow spindly and the leaves are no longer like the big fan leaves that it used to produce. I can see the little female hairs but the leaves are really thin and almost sativa-ish rather than the broader indica? If you look at the super ice pics, there appears to be a bud starting (?), and the leaves aren't all goofy like the aforementioned. Is this normal, or should I be concerned? Should I prune the super ice or will that screw-up the plant? Any/all comments appreciated! Thanks in advance...



Well-Known Member
As far as the health of your plants, they look healthy to me from the pics I see. I have never grow the strains you are dealing with. The thin leaves on the upper nodes are most likely just due to the fact they are still young and developing. Everything looks fine to me....


Active Member
I was getting a little worried for a moment! I guess this is kinda like having your first child! Are these little knodes where the buds start to form? This is as far as I have ever gotten and am somewhat paranoid that I'm gonna fuck something up!